Special Economic Area of industrial-production type will be located on the territory of “Elabuga” region of the Republic of Tatarstan. It’s area – 20 sq. km. The total area of the Republic of Tatarstan – 67,8 thousand sq. km (0,4% of the area of Russian Federation), population – 3,77 million people (2,6% of total population of Russian Federation). There are 43 regions, 14 cities in the Republic. The capital of the Republic – the city of Kazan with population of more than 1,1 million people
Елабуга Territory of Special Economic Area «Alabuga» is located near city of Elabuga of Elabuga region of RT, in 25 from city of Naberezhnye Chelny, and in 40 km from city of Nizhnekamsk.
International airport “Begishevo” is located at 20 km from SEA. There is railroad adjacent to territory of SEA, connecting SEA with major railway hub Agryz. SEA has connection to federal road M7 Moscow-Kazan-Ufa- Chelabinsk through network of automobile roads with hard surface. There are river freight docks in Elabuga, Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekmsk connected to Single off-shore transport system of European part of Russia. There is a well-developed transportation infrastructure:
There are objects of engineering infrastructure adjacent to territory of SEA, as well as partially located at the territory of SEA at different stages of completion
1 st stage petrochemistry 1st stage Machine construction 2nd stage petrochemistry2nd stage machine construction Advanced Development Stage Deployment and development on the territory of SEA of resident mechanical-engineering, petrochemical, etc. enterprises has been planned.
«HYUNDAI Motor Company» (Korea). – «automobile completion management» "KFZ" company (Austria). – «steel disk units for car wheels manufacture management» «GMT», «Georg Ficsher», «RBL» (Germany), «MANDO» (Korea). – «Automobile parts manufacturing» joint stock company «PО ElAZ». represents 2 projects. – «Minsk Tractor Plant licensed assembly of wheel-tire tractors “Belarus" and purpose-built equipment»; «Manufacturing of purpose-built vehicles on automobile chassis». JSC «Elabuga Plant of Oriented Polystyrene» (Russia). – «Factory management of plastic products» “KREZ“ company (Russia). – «Factory management of polyester granulate and it’s products» Residents
«NALKO» company (USA) – «Manufacturing of chemical reagents» JSC “Tatneftekhiminvest-holding" (Russia). Represents 3 projects. – «Factory management of polycarbonate products»; «Factory management of polypropylene products»; «Factory management of polystyrene products» –"ZASS" company (Turkey) and "Alabuga International SA" (Luxemburg). – «Manufacturing of household appliances» «GORENJE» company (Slovenia) – «Manufacturing of household appliances» «Nilsson» company (Sweden) – «Assembling of special- purpose vehicles» Resident – «Unico Filter» company (Bosnia) – «Manufacturing of filtring elements» Residents