1 Presented to: Manager and Director Meeting September 2, 2009 By Ashley Currier, RN, BSN, CMSRN Updates: Illinois Coalition for Nursing Resources (ICNR) Northwestern Memorial Hospital
2 Nursing Practice Legislation and Policy “Rules” for the Nurse Practice Act – Not yet approved – Plan is for 2012 SB 1919 (EPA- “do not flush”) – Passed with negotiated language HB 1014 (Nurse Practitioner and Prescribing Authority) – Licensed to prescribe 5 medications correlated to MD’s medications – Reapply for prescribing authority – Apply for a DEA # SB #### (Education and Nurse Training Reimbursement) No hearing set for discussion about mandated staffing ratios
3 ANA Safe Staffing Poll March 2008-June ,993 responses nationwide Demographic Data – Role – Shift worked – Magnet Institution? – Union/Non-Union
4 ANA Safe Staffing Poll How often do you engage in non-nursing activities? (ie: delivering meal trays, transfer patients, draw labs, go to pharmacy) Never 2.2% Rarely (< once/month)4.0% Sometimes (once/month)5.8% Frequently (once/week)18.2% Always (every day)65.7% No Response4.1%
5 ANA Safe Staffing Poll How often are you able to take your full meal break? Never 11.7% Rarely (< once/month)24.1% Sometimes (once/month)24.7% Frequently (once/week)23.1% Always (every day)12.4% No Response4.0%
6 ANA Safe Staffing Poll Would you feel confident having someone close to you receive care in the facility in which you work? No49.5% Yes45.9% No Response2.3%
7 ANA Safe Staffing Poll Do you believe the staffing on your unit and shift is sufficient? No71.9% Yes23.5% No Response4.6%
8 ANA Safe Staffing Poll Are you currently considering leaving your position? No45.0% Yes52.7% No Response2.3% If you are considering leaving your position, is the reason associated with adequate staffing? No11.3% Yes42.2% Not Applicable30.6% No Response2.3%
9 Safe Nurse Staffing in Illinois Staffing by Patient Acuity (Law PA ) – Signed into law August 24, 2007 NEW: Rules written in a collaborative effort by INA & IHA Please encourage the governor to move on this vital piece of legislation!
10 Safe Nurse Staffing in Illinois Assures direct care staff a significant voice in nurse staffing process Aligns staffing considerations based on patient needs and nursing resources Reinforces evidence-based approach to nurse-patient staffing Accounts for wide range and mix of hospitals and their nursing staffs Complements current hospitals’ staffing policies and practices Demonstrates hospital’s commitment to their direct nurse staff