Fraction Building
Fractions Essential to understanding Algebra NCTM – teach fraction understanding at younger ages National Panel on Mathematics Report –US students do NOT have a thorough grasp of fractions. Fractions are an important part of life!
MAS Curriculum Kinder / First Grade –“Fair Shares” –Models in Real Life (Snack Fractions) –Not necessarily symbolic representation Second / Third Grade –Symbolic representations attached to models (Snack Fractions) –Comparing – Fraction Action, Daily Routines
MAS Curriculum Fourth / Fifth Grade –Compare and Order, including Equivalency (Curriculum and Review) –Add and Subtract (Curriculum and Review) Relationship to Decimals (Curriculum and Review) Sixth through Eighth Grade –Fraction Identification, including Equivalency, and Manipulation (Daily Routines) –Ratio, Proportion, Relationship to Percents (Curriculum and Review)
MAS Fractions 4-5 What did you experience? 6-8 Equivalent Ratios 2- 3 – model and draw fractions < one Divide snack as if for 4, then share between 2, and compare fractional portions K-1 – divide snack and explain portions
MAS Fractions ASSESSMENT ITEMS 1 each for K, 1, 2, 3 If the Recursive Reviews and the Snack Fractions are taught, students should be able to transfer to the assessment item.
MAS Fractions Trust your students to learn and transfer. Do NOT alter the assessment. Do NOT alter the curriculum. If the items are not successful, then we will know the curriculum did not address what was being assessed, and adjustments will be made.
MAS Fractions HAVE FUN !