Air Quality in the Republic of Serbia Tihomir Popović, Jasmina Knežević Serbian Environmental Protection Agency-SEPA Republic of Serbia Mynistry of Environment, Mining and Spational Planning Environmental Protection Agency IPA Support Air Quality kick off meeting,Sarajevo,6-7 July 2011
59 automatic stations up to 60 manual stations 1 mobile station Measured parameters include: SO 2, NO/NO 2 / NO x, CO, O 3, PM 10,PM 2.5, BTX, black smoke, precipitation chemistry, meteorological parameters New Air Quality Monitoring Programme foresees VOC, PAH and heavy metals in PM Stations are classified on urban, suburban, rural, industrial and traffic Current status of AQ monitoring and reporting -Monitoring-
28 automated stations and 1 mobile station are EU donation 11 automated stations are established by financial support of Environmental Fund Other stations – own resources or donations Equipment for mobile station are not completely delivered National Calibration Laboratory is at final stage Analytical Laboratory –tender for “clean room” is in the progress Test of equivalency for manual methods for SO2 and NO2 is partly done (for winter season in field) Test of equivalency for PM10 is in preparation –will be financed by Environmental Fund Current status of AQ monitoring and reporting -Monitoring-
Current status of AQ monitoring and reporting -Reporting- 1.EoI Data on air qualityYES 2.Monthly ozone exceedancesYES 3.Summer ozone exceedancesYES 4.Annual report (questionnaire) on air quality NO 5.Annual reporting on ambient air quality limit values plans and programmes for SO2, NO2, NOx, PM10, PB, Benzene and CO NO 6.Plans and programmes for the abatement of air pollution NO
Institutional arrangements AQ monitoring in Serbia State level SEPA+RHMS Local level Vojvodina Province Municipalities (Local Public Health Institutes) Responsibility for Air Quality Monitoring is set up by Low on Ministries and Low on Air Protection
Institutional arrangements SEPA is also responsible institution for data collection, QA/QC, reporting and assessment SEPA operates with 39 automated stations, EMEP/GAW station, 6 manual stations and stations with precipitation chemistry programme Monitoring on the state level is not financed from national budget (Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spational Planning) but by Environmental Fund Local level 1. Vojvodina Province – 7 stations-financed by Vojvodina’s budget 2. Public Health Institutes operates with mostly manual stations- financed by local authority and Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spational Planning After the reorganization of the institutions at the governmental level, part of Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (Environmental Control Division) has transferred to SEPA => no overlapping
Guidelines for Air Quality Automated Monitoring Twinning Project “Strengthening Administrative Capacities for Implementation of Air Quality Management System” with Czech partners and German as copartners is at the final stage. German experts have prepared Guidelines for Air Quality Automated Monitoring which make contented our current needs for establishing data quality procedures. Further improvements will be done by SEPA All institutions involved in AQ Monitoring are acreditated according to ISO exist 2 softwares for data handling, not completed, inappropriate, timely demanding, not reply to our needs insufficiency of the spatial coverage of the country does not exist AQ preliminary assessment has done, first assessment is in progress, territory of Serbia is divided in 3 zones and 4 agglomerations Monitoring data quality procedures, data handling,(un)sufficiency of the spatial coverage of the country, countrywide AQ assessment
inappropriate software lack of experienced and trained staff GIS has not used Data flows and reporting-national and international: identification of problems
Reference Laboratory – equipment are different class from others in network-to procure new one and transfer standards too staff from Reference Laboratory have no experience-training no financial recourses for PRM- Environmental Fund again ?? software for data handling and reporting –find budget /donation/ and get training What options are there for improving monitoring, spatial coverage, data quality, dataflows and assessment?
training for Laboratory staff training for data validation Haw can EEA/ETC/ACM help?