Pathogenic Organisms
What does pathogen mean?
Etymology Let’s break down the word into its roots patho – greek word pathos meaning suffering or disease gen – greek word genes meaning to be born or produced
Pathogen a Definition A disease causing microorganism
What are some types of pathogen? Think, pair, share -
Bacteria Single celled organisms that lack a nucleus Because they have no nucleus we call them prokaryotes Classified as kingdoms Eubacteria and Archaebacteria Can cause many diseases including salmonella, pneumonia, tetanus, and plague
Anthrax Bacteria Bacillus anthracis Source: Source: CDC with white blood cells
Streptococcus pyogenes “flesh eating bacteria”
Fungi Multicellular with a nucleus, heterotrophs (consume other organisms for food) with cell walls containing chitin This kingdom includes mushrooms, molds, mildew, and yeas Diseases such as athletes foot, pneumonia, or meningitis
Aspergillus fumigatus Source: Chiba Univ., Japan
Protozoans Single celled organisms with a nucleus – may be photosynthetic or heterotrophic Classified as the kingdom Protista Can cause diseases such as giardiasis and cryptosporidium
Giardia lamblia
Virus Very small particle of genetic material and proteins reproduces inside the cells of a host organism 100 times smaller than bacteria Cause diseases such as ebola, flu, mumps, measles, and rabies
Viruses Papillomavirus Influenza Hepatitis B