CARBOHYDRATES Are Americans eating too many carbohydrates per day? – If yes, why? – If no, what are some of the causes of American obesity? What foods are sources of carbs? What are the functions of carbs?
CARBOHYDRATES Where in the body are carbs stored? Explain how carbs are used during exercise. Explain what is meant by “hitting the wall”.
PROTEINS How many amino acids are there? What is an essential amino acid? What foods are sources of proteins? What are the functions of proteins?
PROTEINS What is the problem with protein diets (if they are used over the long term)?
LIPIDS What is cholesterol? Explain the difference between LDL and HDL. What is a compound fat?
LIPIDS What is a simple fat? Explain the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat? (include their food source and their impact on one’s health)
LIPIDS What are the functions of fats in your diet? How much fat should be a part of a healthy diet?
LIPIDS Using lipids during exercise
VITAMINS Are vitamins organic or inorganic? How will excessive vitamin supplements affect athletic performance?
MINERALS Are minerals organic or inorganic? What are the best sources of minerals for your diet?
MINERALS Calcium (Ca) What are the functions of calcium? What is amenorrhea? What foods are a good source of calcium?
MINERALS Iron (Fe) What are the uses of iron in the body? Who requires more iron, males or females? Name the three causes of low iron in athletes? – Diet – Intense training – Iron loss (menstruation, sweating, foot strike)
What is “foot strike”? Explain “sports anemia”. What are the symptoms of iron deficiency? MINERALS Iron (Fe)
What foods are the best sources of iron? What substances reduce the body’s ability to absorb iron? What substances improve the body’s ability to absorb iron?
MINERALS What is meant by a digestive carrier? Name some minerals that compete for the same carrier? Why might taking certain nutritional supplements in your diet be a problem?
ELECTROLYTES Name the minerals that are referred to as electrolytes. What are the functions of electrolytes? Why are an increased amount of electrolytes needed in an athlete’s diet?
WATER What is the importance of water as related to the human body? How do we intake water? How do we lose water?
WATER How does humidity play a role in water loss? Explain how water loss can lead to serious problems for athletes? Describe: o Heat cramps o Heat exhaustion o Heat stroke
WATER What is hyponatremia? What the symptoms of hyponatremia? How can hyponatremia be avoided?
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU? How many calories should the average teenager take in daily? 2200 – 2500 calories per day
HOW DOES YOUR BODY USE FUEL? In the initial minutes o Blood glucose o Stored glycogen (in muscles and the liver) After 20 – 40 minutes o Body fat kicks in Protein will be metabolized as a last resort
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU? What is the recommended water in take per day? 8 eight ounce glasses (64 ounces) What is the recommended water in take for endurance athletes? 5 -6 times that amount (230 – 384 ounces)
REMEMBER!! 1.Cholesterol is a type of fat a.High density is good cholesterol that helps clear the blood vessels b.Low density is bad cholesterol that blocks the blood vessels 2.Fiber is a type of indigestible carbohydrate 3.Glycogen is how our bodies store glucose to be used for cellular respiration (fuel)