Healthy Lifestyle Choices Supplements used with intent to maintain a healthy life 1.Protein 2.Creatine 3.Energy Drinks 4.Thermogenics 5.Steroids 6.Erythropoietin.


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Presentation transcript:

Healthy Lifestyle Choices Supplements used with intent to maintain a healthy life 1.Protein 2.Creatine 3.Energy Drinks 4.Thermogenics 5.Steroids 6.Erythropoietin (EPO) A picture will be added

Why are supplements being used? The intent of there use. 1.Protein Used to support increased muscle breakdown and synthesis. (McKinley Health Center) 2.Creatine Used to increase power and athletic performance (Beets) 3.Energy Drinks

Why are supplements being used? 4.Thermogenics They are used in order to depress calorie intake and increase the amount of calories being burnt (Admin). 5.Steroids Steroids are used to improve an athletes strength (Tanner). 6.EPO It is used to raise oxygen levels in the blood which allows for a faster recovery time. (Outside)

Who is using supplements?

Years of use by age.

The end results. Supplements are used by many people on a regular basis. Some of the supplements are beneficial in improving athletic ability, and help individuals meet their goals. However, many people do take supplements, which can cause harm, for prolonged periods of time. With this in mind; chemist should develop safer supplements, store manager should recommend better supplements, and athletes should educate themselves about supplements. If these measures are not taken harmful results could occur to the users of the supplements as a result.

Protein Protein is extremely important nutrient needed by the human body. – “Protein is a key nutrient needed by the body to build and repair tissue, provide structure, serve as an enzyme to begin cellular processes, and form hormones” (McKinley). Many athletes have turned to protein supplements to fill an increased need of protein – Athletes need more protein to assist in increased muscle breakdown and synthesis (McKinley).

Positive attributes of protein supplementing Weight loss Mannatech research shows some protein can assist in weight loss Supplementing with protein makes it possible to – Reduce body weight – Lower body mass index – Reduce waist size (Anderson) Efficiency Protein needs – Sedentary individuals need.08 grams of protein per pound of body weight – Active individuals need 1-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight (McKinley) Protein supplement help active individuals meet protein needs – Athletes traveling with limited access to foods – Active college students with limited access to foods

Negative aspect of using protein supplements Protein supplements are expensive – It is possible for athletes to meet dietary requirements for protein by eating extra rich protein foods that are cheaper (McKinley). – If an athlete has access to these foods and the time to research and plan their diets, extra rich protein foods is an excellent option.

Recommendations Chemist Design cheaper protein supplements Continue researching proteins that will benefit consumers Store Managers Disclose that there are cheaper options Disclose that extra rich protein containing foods also work Athletes Educate themselves and other athletes of cheaper options Know which foods contain extra rich protein