ETD Rookies: NDLTD Background ETD 2004 University of Kentucky June 3, 2004 Edward A. Fox
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (NDLTD) NDLTD Board of Directors, previous Steering Committee + other NDLTD committees; those running Electronic Thesis & Dissertation (ETD) initiatives in universities, regions, countries Helpful sponsorship by many organizations, especially Adobe (new initiative!), CONACyT, DFG, FIPSE (US Dept. Education), IBM, Microsoft, NSF (IIS , , , ; DUE , , , ), OCLC, SOLINET, SUN, SURA, UNESCO, VTLS, many governments (Australia, Germany, India, …), … Colleagues at Virginia Tech (faculty, staff, students), and collaborators at many universities Slides included from: Vinod Chachra, Thom Hickey, Joan Lippincott, Gail McMillan, Axel Plathe, Hussein Suleman, …
Part 1 Digital Libraries and Higher Education
Fox at VT Professor, Dept. of Computer Science 1/3 time report to Erv Blythe, VP for Info. Tech. Director of University Center: Internet Technology Innovation Center at VT Director, Digital Library Research Laboratory Students: typically about 20 Visitors: India: 2, S. Korea: 1, Brazil: 1, … Others are welcome!
Digital Libraries --- Objectives World Lit.: 24hr / 7day / from desktop Integrated “super” information systems: 5S: streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies Ubiquitous, Higher Quality, Lower Cost Education, Knowledge Sharing, Discovery Disintermediation -> Collaboration Universities Reclaim Property Interactive Courseware, Student Works Scalable, Sustainable, Usable, Useful
DLs: Why of Global Interest? National projects can preserve antiquities and heritage: cultural, historical, linguistic, scholarly Knowledge and information are essential to economic and technological growth, education DL - a domain for international collaboration wherein all can contribute and benefit which leverages investment in networking which provides useful content on Internet & WWW which will tie nations and peoples together more strongly and through deeper understanding
Digital Libraries SGML (1985) PDF (1992) NSF DLI (1994) Library Cancellations (1988) University Scholarly Electronic Pub. (1988) Info. Literacy (1995) Improving Education Internet (1984) WWW (1994) Multimedia (1986)
Synchronous Scholarly Communication Same time, Same or different place
Asynchronous, Digital Library Mediated Scholarly Communication Different time and/or place
Information Life Cycle Authoring Modifying Organizing Indexing Storing Retrieving Distributing Networking Retention / Mining Accessing Filtering Using Creating
Computing (flops) Digital content Communicat i ons (bandwidth, connectivity) Locating Digital Libraries in Computing and Communications Technology Space Digital Libraries technology trajectory: intellectual access to globally distributed information lessmore
Digital Libraries Shorten the Chain from Editor Publisher A&I Consolidator Library Reviewer
DLs Shorten the Chain to Author Reader Digital Library Editor Reviewer Teacher Learner Librarian
Part 2 NDLTD
A Digital Library Case Study Domain: graduate education, research Genre:ETDs=electronic theses & dissertations Submission: Collection: Project: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD)
Grad Program IT Ed. (Tech) Library NDLTD
Key Ideas: Networked infrastructure Scalability Education is the rationale University collaboration Workflow, automation Authors must submit Maximal Access PDF, SGML, MM, MARC, DC, URNs, Federated search Standards 8th graders vs. grads
What are the long term goals? 400K US students / year getting grad degrees are exposed / involved 200K/yr rich hypermedia ETDs that may turn into electronic portfolios (images, video, audio, …) Dramatic increase in knowledge sharing: literature reviews, bibliographies, … Services providing lifelong access for students: browse, search, prior searches, citation links Hundreds/thousands of downloads / year / work
How can a university get involved? Select planning/implementation team Graduate School Library Computing / Information Technology Institutional Research / Educ. Tech. Join online, give us contact names Adapt Virginia Tech or other proven approach Build interest and consensus Start trial / allow optional submission
Convene Local Planning Group ETD
ETD project participants Academic administrators Faculty Students Staff Graduate school / provost / registrar Information technologists Librarians
Build Local ETD Site Digital Library Policies Inspection/Approval Workshop/Training ETD
NDLTD Computer Resources Research Literature Student Prepares Thesis/Dissertation
Student Defends & Finalizes ETD My Thesis ETD
Student Gets Committee Signatures and Submits ETD Signed Grad School
Graduate School Approves ETD, Student is Graduated Ph.D.
Library Catalogs ETD, Access is Opened to the New Research WWW NDLTD
Digital Library Benefits: Low margin, high use Incorporate ETDs with other digital library activities Ejournals, online class materials, digital images, etc. Additional equipment, staff may not be necessary Use VT programs, scripts, etc. Online accesses vs. circulation of copies , average circulation per copy per year: 2.2 for theses, 3.2 for dissertations -> 1000s/yr
Relationship with publishers Concern of faculty and students that still wish to publish books or journal articles, voiced: campus, Chronicle, NPR, Times Solution: Approval Form gives students, faculty choices on access, when to change access condition; use IPR controls in DL Solution: by case, work with publishers and publisher associations to increase access AAP, AAUP AAAS, ACM, ACS, Elsevier,...
Some responses from publishers ACM: need to acknowledge copyright Elsevier: need to acknowledge copyright IEEE-CS: endorse initiative ACS: After first publication, can release Textbook publishers: different market, manuscript significantly reworked General: restricting access to local campus will not cause any problems
Summary: ETDs and Publishing Early controversies waning Faculty: prior publication? Protective of future academics Surveys of publishers No specific policies largely Consider submissions individually VT ETD Alumni None had problems getting published Authors Retain some rights, e.g., link to curriculum vitae, online course materials
ETDs and Copyright Author’s rights Reproduction, modification, distribution, public performance, public display Retain rights Share non-exclusive rights: Permit library to store / provide access Author’s obligations: fair use Balance factors or get permission Notification: optional Copyright 2002 by Gail McMillan ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Registration: optional Possibly receive greater compensation, with less documentation, if filing infringement law suit
Why ETD? Short Answer For Students: Gain knowledge and skills for the Information Age Richer communication (digital information, multimedia, …) For Universities: Easy way to enter the digital library field and benefit thereby For the World: Global digital library – large, useful, many services General: Save time and money Increased visibility for all associated with research results
The Process? (How?) Short Answer For Students: Plan on ETD from day 1 Secure knowledge from: workshops, online info, colleagues Work with faculty to plan approach PDF? XML? TEI? Multi/hypermedia? Data sets? Viz? Get signed approval form: access, ©, proxy assignment After defense and approval, submit ETD to university For Universities: Form team Adapt solution from work at other universities, attend ETD conference Pilot -> Option -> Requirement
Selected Links - NDLTD (electronic theses and dissertations worldwide) and OAI (Open Archives Initiative) Virginia Tech Digital Library Research Laboratory (DLRL)
Spirit of NDLTD Help make a better (smaller) world Win-win-win (everyone can benefit) Have fun helping others Helpers/teachers learn more than those they work with Build on standards ETDs are preservable, popular, expressive, “better” Doable, feasible, learnable, affordable, sharable Please join NDLTD!