Halting Desertification in the Júcar River Basin Preparatory Action on development of prevention activities to halt desertification in Europe Brussels, 16 February 2012 Jauad El-kharraz, Arancha Fidalgo, Elisa Vargas
Scale: River basin District in the east of Spain. Aim: obtain and assess socio-economic, environmental and climatic data, feed systems/models and provide recommendations to save water resources. Transfer results: dissemination to EU and non-EU countries through EMWIS. Introduction Three main partners: EVREN (SME), EMWIS (International network), CHJ (Gov).
Environmental Consulting Firm (SME). 23 years of experience. Offices in Spain (Madrid, Valencia) and Ecuador (Quito). Areas of work: Water resources Agronomy and forest resources Coastal management Land planning Solid wastes Sustainable touristic developments Environmental Impact Assessment Industrial environment International projects Projects developed for Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, River basin authorities, regional governments, international entities (EC, Plan Bleu- UNEP…). EVREN
Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the water sector Initiative of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. EMWIS Strategic tool for exchanging information and knowledge in the water sector. Technical unit since 1999: 22 National Focal Points. Steering Committee: Water Directors from 13 Mediterranean countries. Coordinating Joint Process working groups on water scarcity/Droughts and on water quality monitoring Support non EU countries in implementing National Water Information Systems able to feed SEEA-W Member of H2020 monitoring and ENPI-SEIS Med team
Júcar River Basin Authority (CHJ)-Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Autonomous public entity Responsibilities of the authority: Development, follow-up and update of the RBMP Management and surveillance of the water public domain Water resources management, supply follow-up (municipalities) Specific hydraulic works Monitoring networks Hydrological planning Rights, concessions, abstractions, discharges… Development of plans and programs for water saving, economic efficiency and environmental improvement CHJ
Data gathering (river discharge, rainfall, evapotranspiration, climate, groundwater, demands…). Data integration: propose methodology, gather and assess data. Assessment and results: most feasible water saving options, proposal of management options and targets. Dissemination. Objectives of the Action Feed ECRINS, SEAA-W and future Blueprint optimization model. Obtain useful water accounts. Reach managers and local stakeholders by reviewing measures to save water.
1.Establishment of background and context. EU strategies, policies, SEEA-W, ECRINS, Júcar RRBD features. 2.Collection of data and contacts with administrations and other partners. Data delivery feasibility, improvement of datasets. 3.Apply method by SEEA-W and ECRINS specifications. Disaggregation, detailed water resources balance, identification of measures. 4.Assessment and recommendations. Estimate optimizations and water saving potentials, propose feasible targets. 5.Meetings and deliverables. 6.Dissemination and capacity building activities. Web-site section EVREN, EMWIS e-bulletin and website. Tasks
Meetings: 4 main working team meetings (EVREN+CHJ). 3 Partnership meetings (EVREN+EMWIS+CHJ+Stakeholders). 2 Video conferences with EC officials. Reports 3 main reports + recommendations. Other: brochure, web-site sections, dissemination through e- bulletins, non-EU session, event at the final Blueprint Conference. Timetable (enlazar con Excel final) Deliverables & timetable
Surface: km 2. Population (2009): 5,1 million Mediterranean climate (average temp ºC; average annual rainfall 500mm). High season variability Important groundwater resources Water scarcity & droughts Drought management plan since 2007 Desertification: overexploitation of aquifers and salinization of soils. Relevant demographic and touristic pressures. Júcar RBD
Some of the most relevant water issues (identified in the draft RBMP). Water guarantee improvement and efficiency of traditional irrigation systems. Sustainable management of the Mancha Oriental aquifer. Overexploitation of GW in the Vinalopó area. Adjustment of ecological flows Control of exotic species Adjustment and improvement of water treatment in specific municipalities Pollution control and eutrophication (Serpis and Albaida rivers) Flood risk reduction (low reach of Júcar River) Achievement of GES of the Albufera lake Water rights regularization Further assessment of wetland water requirements Priority substances follow-up Júcar RBD
Water guarantee improvement and efficiency of traditional irrigation systems in the Júcar riverside Measures: Reuse effluents from WWTPs. Irrigation modernization in the Júcar riverside. Júcar RBD
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