Remote Sensing and Internet Data Sources Unit 3: Module 12, Lecture 3 – Remote Autonomous Vehicles/On-line data resources
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s2 Subsurface vehicles and sensors In large water bodies, towed or autonomous vehicles can be used to record data over large areas Towed systems Remotely operated vehicles Autonomous vehicles These use a combination of remote sensors (Sonar, hydroacoustics) and probes (on-board sensors)
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s3 Provided by Jack Kelly, Mid-Continent Ecology Division, U.S. EPA, Duluth MN EPA-MED Duluth: Tow-Yo
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s4 EPA Lake Guardian with sonar and towed sensor Provided by Jack Kelly Mid-Continent Ecology Division U.S. EPA, Duluth MN
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s5 Result is semi-synoptic, spatially-referenced data to characterize: Water properties (including biology) Bathymetry and sediment character Typically sample at 4-5 knots, to ~100 km per day Provided by Jack Kelly Mid-Continent Ecology Division U.S. EPA, Duluth MN
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s6 Provided by Jack Kelly, Mid-Continent Ecology Division, U.S. EPA, Duluth MN Tow-yo shoreline sampling: Tributary receiving waters
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s7 Provided by Jack Kelly, Mid-Continent Ecology Division U.S. EPA, Duluth MN
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s8 Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) Jason II/ Medea Woods Hole ROV 2 body system Medea – intermediate vehicle to decouple Jason from surface motion 6500 m capabilities Mosaic of images shot from Jason showing the variety of sampling devices Jonathan Howland WHOI
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s9 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Powered free ranging sensors Capable of deep water sampling, long distances, inclement conditions
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s10 REMUS – Remote Environmental Monitoring Units Wood’s Hole OI 52 inches long 80 lbs Configured to support a variety of sensors Salt or fresh water
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s11 REMUS – Remote Environmental Monitoring Units Sensors Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Sidescan Sonar Fluorometer Bioluminescence sensor Plankton pump Video camera Windows XP interface
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s12 Larger units - Univ. South Florida AUV
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s13 Integrated Ocean Observing System
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s14 Internet Sources of Spatial data
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s15 Land Use/Land Cover Many different land use data sets LUDA AVHRR GAP Landsat Two important attributes Spatial Resolution Classification Resolution
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s16 AVHRR Land Cover AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) 1 km pixel resolution Nationwide coverage 2 images/day Good for a “coarse picture” of the regional landscape
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s17 USGS LULC (Land Use/Land Cover) Based on aerial photographs 1970s and 1980s 21 cover type categories 40 ac minimum map unit Based on 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 USGS quadrangles Free
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s18 Land Use/Land Cover: Level II codes code = "11" Residential code = "12" Commercial and services code = "13" Industrial code = "14" Transportation, communications, and utilities code = "15" Industrial and commercial complexes code = "16" Mixed urban or built-up land code = "17" Other built-up land code = "21" Cropland and pasture code = "22" Orchards, groves, vineyards, nurseries and ornamental horticultural areas code = "23" Confined feeding operations code = "24" Other agricultural land code = "41" Deciduous forest land code = "42" Evergreen forest land code = "43" Mixed forest land
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s19 National Land Cover Dataset (NCLD) Nationwide coverage Derived from early- mid 1990s Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery 30 m resolution 21 classes (modified Anderson Level II) 2001 NLCD data now available
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s20 Transportation and Infrastructure Major roads County roads Township roads City streets Railroads Pipelines Airports Source: TIGER data
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s21 Hydrography: water resources Lakes Wetlands By wetland type Emergent Forested Scrub/shrub, etc Streams Rivers FEMA Floodplain Well locations Watershed boundaries Internet Map Server session for a wetland inventory of the Poplar River watershed, north shore of Lake Superior
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s22 Census data Maintained by US Census Bureau Data available in Blocks Tracts Other divisions Summarized by Population Demographics Congressional districts, others Census tracts, St. Louis Co, MN
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s23 Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Pixel-based data describing elevations Typically 30 m resolution Used for Slope calculations Generating contours Watershed delineations Hydrologic modeling Flow direction Flow distance Viewshed analyses Hillshades
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s24 Easy GIS – accessing on-line data Be sure to visit DuluthStreams And LakeAccess!
Developed by: Host Updated: U3-m12-s25 Metadata: data about data Important to understand where your data came from – metadata Identification_Information Citation Citation_Information Originator: NOAA Coastal Services Center Publication_Date: Title: Hurricane Storm Surge Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: Map Publication_Information Publication_Place: Charleston, SC Publisher: NOAA Coastal Services Center Larger_Work_Citation Citation_Information