UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources
The Division Today
ANR: Who we are l The Agricultural Experiment Station l Cooperative Extension
We discover so we may share
The Research-Extension Continuum Problems, Issues Outreach, Demonstration Application and Adaptation Science and Knowledge Policy Analysis, Impacts
The Agricultural Experiment Station l 650+ faculty with joint research and teaching responsibilities l 50+ departments on three campuses l Four colleges and schools
Cooperative Extension l More than 220 county-based advisors and 130 campus-based specialists l More than 50 county offices and three campuses
How ANR is funded
We yield new ideas
Where ANR research and extension happen l Laboratories & other research & teaching facilities on 3 campuses l Ten off-campus centers for research and extension l UC programs are delivered at the county level throughout the state
ANR Mission Programs for People To serve California through the creation, development and application of knowledge in agricultural, natural and human resources.
Statewide Programs/Projects Programs/Projects How ANR is organized Cooperative Extension Specialists Advisors Ag Experiment Station AES Scientists Berkeley College of Natural Resources Davis College of Ag & Environmental Sciences Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Riverside College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences North Coast & Mountain Region Central Valley Region Central Coast & South Region Vice President - Ag & Nat. Resources Executive Council & Program Council Workgroups Workgroups
Program Areas & Workgroups l Ag Policy & Pest Management 15 workgroups l Ag Productivity 29 workgroups l Human Resources 22 workgroups l Natural Resources 17 workgroups
We value natural California
Statewide Programs & Projects A few examples include l Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project l Agricultural Issues Center l Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program l Center for Water Resources l Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program l 4-H Youth Development Program Sixteen programs focus on areas of special concern to Californians
Cooperative Extension Your local door to resources of the University of California Your local door to resources of the University of California
How Cooperative Extension is administered UC Vice President Daniel M. Dooley Director, Cooperative Extension Associate Vice President Rick Standiford Associate Director, Cooperative Extension With cooperation from regional directors and UCB, UCD, UCR and Vet Med deans Assistant Vice President Barbara Allen-Diaz Assistant Director, Cooperative Extension
Cooperative Extension Regions North Coast and Mountain Region Central Valley Region Central Coast and South Region
Advisors collaborate with specialists & AES scientists
UCCE advisor’s role l Full partnership with federal, state, county and private sectors in research and educational outreach l Programs tailored to address local issues o Meetings, conferences, workshops, demonstrations, field days, video programs, newsletters, manuals, one- on-one consultations and Web sites o Problem–solving research o Volunteers extend UCCE knowledge
Issue-based programs Water Quality Nutrition Education Land Use Insects & Diseases Insects & Diseases
Agriculture Natural Resources Community Development 4-H Youth Development and Human Resources General program efforts We develop and provide research-based information through education in INSERT YOUR COUNTY in the following areas:
Academic advisors Name of Person – Title and Specialty
Program and support staff Name, Title and program
Program highlights
Lake County Cattle Field Day
Stream Temperature Research Riparian Grazing Grass I.D.
Cover Crops Weed Control Mediterranean Varietals
Vineyard Conversion Endangered Species Forest Ecology
We Serve the Land and its People Visit us on the Web at