What does a culture’s traditional stories tell us about them? The Odyssey What does a culture’s traditional stories tell us about them?
Review of Storytelling What is the role of storytelling in a culture? What does a culture’s traditional stories tell us about them? Does traditional storytelling still have a place in our society?
Predict Why did it take Odysseus 10 years to get back home?
Ideas to Be Explored Revenge is sweet. Winning isn't everything; it's how you play the game that counts. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. All's fair in love and war. The ends justify the means. Saving face is important to me. What goes around comes around. Good people usually get the reward they deserve. Real men don't show their sensitive side. Most people who give gifts, want something in return. You should be willing to die for your country. I'd rather be a live coward than a dead hero. You shouldn't indulge freeloaders. Sometimes, a little deceit is necessary. There's a lot of truth in many superstitions.
Previews… http://flocabulary.com/odyssey/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PglAFdKSJ_M&feature=related How many of your predictions were right?
In the end… Select one of the following prompts. Using your notes and your book, write a well-developed, multi-paragraph essay. Use specific, concrete details from the text to support your opinions. Essay Questions (Select One): Odysseus’s travels from Troy home to Ithaca provide readers with a classic example of The Hero’s Journey. One of the important elements of any Hero’s Journey is the fact that the hero undergoes a transformation. Write a well-developed, multi-paragraph essay explaining how you think Odysseus’s journey changes him. You will need to begin with a good description of Odysseus’s character at the beginning of his 10-year journey, and then develop your argument, showing the ways Odysseus is transformed as a result of his experiences. You will need to refer to the steps of The Hero’s Journey as they apply to The Odyssey in order to properly organize this essay. Use specific details from the text to support your argument Like most epic heroes, Odysseus displays both positive and negative characteristics. Write a well-developed essay about Odysseus’ character, arguing that he is either admirable or not. You must take a stand on this; you may not attempt to argue that he is both (even if you feel that he is.) After you make a clear statement about his character, identify 3 of Odysseus’ character traits to support your argument and fully develop each trait with specific details from the text.
What do you know about sailing?
Life in Ancient Greece Read p. 804-806 List 3 things you discovered about this time period Video http://app.discoveryeducation.com/core:player/view/assetGuid/C44AE924-711A-443D-A1D7-502C9F643AA8
Along the Way Culture chart (100 points) Vocabulary quizzes Scavenger hunts (epic similes, epithets, allusions, imagery/figurative language)