On a Scale of 1-10….How Funny is This Commercial? Commercial
What is an allusion? An indirect reference in a literary work to a previously released literary work or to a person, place, or thing in history. Key…to a previously released item.
In other words... An allusion is when you are watching a movie or commercial or reading a book, and you recognize a scene or song or phrase (etc.) as something that was in an earlier movie or book. The allusion is in the newer text. The text being alluded to is the older text.
What text is being alluded to? In other words, what are the original texts?original
WHY do authors make allusions? 1) Help the reader understand a difficult idea by relating it to an already known idea (from a familiar text) 2) A way for the writer to connect to the reader – A literary “wink” to the reader saying “you get me?” 3) Comedic effect…by referencing a potentially shared experience
Why Use Allusions? Used to summarize broad, complex ideas or emotions in one quick, powerful image. –Self-sacrificing character Jesus – Really bad and mean character? Devil Cain
General ElectricElectric
How do I find / notice allusions? Just like when making inferences… –Background knowledge!!! –Clues from the text Background knowledge is critical— you have to know what an author is referring to in order to understand the allusion
What if I miss an allusion? Nothing! Well, almost nothing. (You won’t blow up or anything) Allusions are risks by the author to make a point or connect to a reader. If you don’t get an allusion, and you are the intended audience, the writer has failed. Ideally the “story will go on,” but you might miss the literary “wink” by the author.
Three Most Common Texts If you know these three texts, you will find and understand more allusions found in Western literature. 1) The Bible 2) Greek mythology / The Odyssey 3) Shakespeare
O’Brother, Where Art Thou? O’Brother, Where Art Thou?
Tennessee’s professional football team and….the giant gods that Zeus conquered to become king of the universe.
Midas Mufflers – Named after the Greek king who turned everything to gold (good?) with his touch. Theme song – “Trust the Midas touch!”
Ajax Cleaner – Named after the Greek soldier that fought Hector during the Trojan War. Ajax is tough on stains… like Ajax was tough on Trojans!
FTD Florists and Hermes?
Nike Athletics?
Brave Potatoes Children’s Book Shakespeare What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; -Romeo and Juliet -Romeo and Juliet
A Plague on Both Your Houses...
Children’s Stories Mona Lisa Petite Rouge
More! American Gothic Petite Rouge
Within Disney The Lion King Hercules Scar!
Others… Titanic And…. Where Does Joe Go?
Rumplestiltskin’s Daughter Mona Lisa
Van Gogh? Self-Portrait
Botticelli? The Birth of Venus
Famous People in Aladdin
Fast Times at Ridgemont High Shrek III
Which Have You Seen? Easy Rider Starsky and Hutch – 2004
Saturday Night Fever Saturday Night FeverSaturday Night FeverSaturday Night Fever
Saturday Night Fever / Airplane Okay, so why did the author of Airplane include the allusion to Saturday Night Fever? – –To relate a difficult concept? – –To connect to the reader? – –For comedic effect?
Bridge on the River Kwai Kwai
The Breakfast ClubBreakfast Club
The Karate Kid and…. Karate Kid Karate Kid
HerculesHercules! (Disney) Hercules
The Untouchables Untouchables
Naked Gun Naked Gun 33 and 1/3 Naked Gun
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Simpsons Movie Simpsons
Midnight CowboyMidnight Cowboy….Anyone? Anyone?? Midnight Cowboy
Miss Congeniality!
Shrek 2 Shrek 2
Forrest Gump Forrest Gump
The Simpsons Movie Simpsons
Braveheart – Battle of Stirling
Hardware Commercial?
Tiger Woods?
Deliverance and Dueling Banjos
Shrek 4
West Side Story
Vertigo - Stairwell
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Star Wars Star Wars
Toy Story 2 Toy Story 2
Jurassic Park Jurassic Park
Toy Story 2 Toy Story 2
Risky Business
And then…
Shark Tales Shark Tales
FlashdanceFlashdance – The Original Flashdance
Shrek II Shrek II
ScrubsScrubs! Scrubs
Rain Man Rain Man
The Hangover The Hangover
The Great Escape (1963)Great Escape
The Great Escape and…. Great Escape Great Escape
Review What are the three most commonly alluded to sets of texts? What are the purposes of allusions?