Freshman Study Skills October 2013 NON-FICTION TEXT: CITATIONS & WORKS CITED
Here is your quote! “It’s Friday night. Do you know where your teen-agers are?” This is how to cite it! “It’s Friday night. Do you know where your teen-agers are” (“All- Nighter with the ‘Odyssey’”)? IN-TEXT CITATION/ PARENTHETHICAL
“It’s Friday night. Do you know where your teen-agers are” (Sierpina 1)? Yellow: Your quote needs quotation marks! Blue: You need to credit the source and cite the author and page number, if known. Red: Your punctuation (exclamation points, period, or question mark) ALWAYS goes after the parenthesis (). LET’S BREAK THIS UP!
Some known tools are NoodleTools. At the end of your paper, you will provide a works cited to fully cite the source you used. Difference between in-text & works cited: In- text citations are an abbreviated form of the citation!!! NOW… A WORKS CITED PAGES
Works Cited Sierpina, Diane. “All Nighter With the ‘Odyssey”. New York Times. New York Times, 14 December Web 15 October Let’s Explain : Green: Author’s name (last night first) Blue: Article title (in quotes) Red Italics: Newspaper publication Yellow: Publisher (in this case, it is the same as the newspaper) Purple: Date the article was published Brown: Day you accessed the article online WORKS CITED FOR A NON-FICTION ARTICLE
Pick your own line & cite it to practice using in-text citations This powerpoint will be on our blogs for you to reference. DON’T THROW THIS AWAY!!!!!! WORK WITH A PARTNER