F IVE F AV ’ S Phoebe Gydesen World History Honors Pd October 2008
E LLA F ITZGERALD L OUIS A RMSTRONG 5 Fav’s 5 Blocks 5 Fav’s 5 Blocks
L OUIS A RMSTRONG Ella worked with Louis on several occasions throughout her career. They both shared a deep love of jazz and music in general. This showed in their soulful, heart- felt songs they recorded. Louis would certainly be included in Ella’s Fav Five.
C HICK W EBB Chick Webb helped get Ella on the music world map. He was her mentor as well as her friend. He was the leader/drummer of the Chick Webb Band and gave Ella her first job singing. Ella would definitely have Chick in her “Five.”
N ORMAN G RANZ Norman Granz was working with Ella’s husband Ray Brown, when he convinced her to sign with him on the “Philharmonic Jazz Tour.” Ella developed a lifelong business relationship and friendship with Norman, and he would most definitely make it into Ella’s “Five.”
M ARILYN M ONROE Marilyn Monroe had Ella booked at the Mocambo Jazz Club and watched her perform each night she was there. Her superstar status allowed Ella to never have to perform in a small jazz club again. Marilyn would surely be among Ella’s Fav Five.
D UKE E LLINGTON Ella performed with Duke Ellington on several occasions during her career. Duke was one of the founders of American Jazz much like Louis Armstrong. His love of music and performing made him one of Ella’s close colleagues in the music industry and he would most definitely make Ella’s “Five.”
A DOLF H ITLER Besides being a gifted musician, Ella was a philanthropist. Adolf Hitler was a person who did everything in his power to tear people down, while Ella tried to build them up. It’s safe to say that Adolf would be blocked from Ella’s list.
B ENITO M USSOLINI Ella was a very soft- spoken person and she was never purposely malicious towards anyone. Mussolini on the other hand, was very evil and cruel towards the people that he ruled over. Ella wouldn’t want to talk to him because of his horrid ways, so he would absolutely be blocked from her phone.
J OSEPH S TALIN Joseph Stalin basically was responsible for the deaths of millions of people during his rule in Russia. Ella did not have a mean bone in her body, so she definitely wouldn’t want to talk to this evil man; therefore, he would be blocked.
KKK This group of people was against anything that involved making life better for people who were different from them. Ella was discriminated upon very much during her career because of the color of her skin, so she would have no reason to talk to any of these people.
P OL P OT Pol Pot was the leader of Cambodia, and, during his reign, he imposed many suffering and hardships amongst his people. Ella was not in any way violent and would never condone what he did; thus she would have no reason to talk to him. He’s blocked.
E LLA F ITZGERALD Ella had a true love for music and musicianship as did Louis. They worked together on several occasions and recorded several albums together. They both had a dedication and drive to achieve their dreams that showed in their bodies of work. Ella would certainly make Louis’s “Five Fav’s.”
P ETER D AVIS Peter Davis was Louis’s mentor while he was in the waif’s home. He taught him how to play the cornet and helped Louis to become a better musician. Without Peter, Louis’s career might have never happened, so Peter is definitely in the “Five.”
J OE G LASER As Louis’s career began to take off, Joe Glaser became his manager and remained in that position until his death. Louis developed a lifelong relationship with him and remained friends with him, so Peter is on Louis’s “Five Fav’s.”
B ILLIE H OLIDAY Billie Holiday was one of jazz’s greats. She had a presence about her when she performed, which was much like Louis had. It was their love for jazz that bonded them as they worked together at times throughout their respective careers. Billie is most definitely in the “Five.”
B ING C ROSBY Bing Crosby and Louis became good friends during their careers in music. Bing is considered to have had one of the greatest voices in American history, but it was his passion for music that shined through on the many occasions that he and Louis performed together. Bing is absolutely in Louis’s Fav Five.
W ILLIAM A RMSTRONG William Armstrong was Louis’s father, but he left the family right after Louis was born. It’s obviously that there might be some anymosity there. William would; therefore, be blocked from Louis’s phone.
L IL ’ H ARDIN Lil’ Hardin was the pianist for one of the groups that Louis participated in, and later she became his wife. But soon after, they divorced and so there was quite a bit of tension; therefore, Louis would have no reason to talk to her anymore, so she would obviously be blocked from Louis’s phone.
KKK This group of people discriminated against African Americans a lot, especially during Louis Armstrong’s career. Throughout his career, Louis faced many hardships because of the color of his skin, and a large part of those hardships were because of people like the KKK. They would be blocked for forever from Louis’s phone.
D AISY P ARKER Daisy Parker was Louis’s first wife. At the young age of nineteen, Louis married her. He was an up-and-coming musician, she was a prostitute. The marriage didn’t work out, so needless to say, Louis probably wouldn’t have a need to talk to her. She’s blocked!
A DOLF H ITLER Louis was an outspoken person. Adolf Hitler was basically against anyone speaking out about what they believed in if it went against his ideas. He was one of the biggest “racists” that the world has seen. Louis would not want to talk to Hitler; therefore, he’s blocked.