1 Developing Custom Modeling Tools at GM with embedded Validation James A. Bullard General Motors
2 ABSTRACT Automotive Design and Engineering at GM are constantly looking for technology to automate processes. This search for automation technology provides many unique requirements that drive the development of custom CAD Modeling tools. To make sure that the return on the investment is achieved GM is embedding validation tools to assure quality of Math as well as quality of process execution. This paper will describe projects that have developed custom Modeling Templates with Validation “agents” built in. These validation agents will not only validate quality of the math but also the overall process execution or usage of the templates.
General Motors Validation Facts Check-Mate as globally agreed upon CAD validation tool Successfully implemented Check-Mate at all Engineering Centers Globally Enforced 53 Check-Mate Checkers as part of GM workflow Check-Mate used as CAD Data Assessment Tool More than 200,000 NX parts assessed weekly using check- mate batch mode Significant improvement in Math data quality
Purpose Overview of GM Development Project in 2008 of Math Data Quality Validation in Product Templates Articulate the importance of Math Data Quality and particularly as it applies to Re-use geometry tools as Corporate Assets Describe a Validation framework for Templates that incorporates Requirements Driven Design Validation (RDDV) embedded in Product Templates Highlight Challenges to further develop this strategy and direction
Embedded Validation Tool for Global Template Based Component Project Objectives Assess completed templates Develop Bill of Requirements/Validation rule set Define framework/architecture for template validation and enforcement strategy (must be flexible in order to comprehend future requirements) Develop 1 Profile and 10 Requirements Driven Design Validation (RDDV) checks for each template Develop requirements list for embedded RDDV checkers for new templates 2008 Timeline Organize Business And IS&S Teams Plan & Define complete Business Requirements Close FebMarJunJanApr MayJulAugSep OctNov Dec Project complete UAT
Math Data Cycle CheckMate Profiles and Checks need to address all areas of the cycle Math Data Producers Math Data Consumers Re-Use of Math Data CheckMate Profiles and Checks need to be aligned with the requirements of these areas CheckMate Profiles and Checks also used to improve Math Capability (CAD Methods) Profiles & checks Need to target all Perspectives Math Cycle Templates turn Data Producers into Data Consumers
Design Function Checks Fabrication Process Checks Modeling Best Practice Checks Geometry Integrity Checks File Organization Checks Hierarchy of Math Quality Scope Value Check-Mate Capability
Validated and Managed Templated Math Data is an Investment Re-use is a high priority in any corporate strategy Validated Templates come with pre-loaded Data Consumer value CAE data – material properties, mid-surface features, etc… CAM data – holes, drills, etc … PMI – embedded tolerances, VSA modeling data, etc… Templates are investments that can pay dividends when validated and managed
Validation Framework – Project Prototype Targeted Template Part Exhaust Manifold GM Powertrain
Validation Framework - Dimensions of Validation Validation Of Templates Math Data Quality (MDQ) Component Engineering Requirements Fabrication Requirements Systems Of Templates Managed Interfaces System Level Geometry Requirements Dimensions of Validation Siemens Toolset CheckMateRDDVCore NX Math Quality Engineering Requirements Fabrication Requirements System Requirements Toolsets need to work together and “know” about each other They should be able to communicate to each other
Validation Framework – Prototype Validation Requirements Dimensions of Validation for Prototype Math Data Quality File Organization – GQS Profile (CM) Vehicle Partition code (VPPS) Examine Geometry Component Engineering Requirements Sketch Dimensions – Port Opening (RDDV) Minimum Wall Thickness (RDDV) Minimum Blend Radii (RDDV) Fabrication Requirements Embedded tolerances System Requirements Managed interfaces Port Surface Datum Planes (CM) Port Datum Axis (CM)
Template Validation Framework The Framework should allow for dynamic/flexible profile configuration to support multiple validation profiles or “levels” based on template purpose & discipline (ie., single component vs. sub assembly, BIW vs. PT) Release Part Rqmts Engineering Rqmts Test Rqmts Mfg Process Rqmts System Rqmts Org Rqmts
Validation Framework – Prototype Requirements Document Requirements Validation Future direction to link to Teamcenter System Engineering (TcSE) Prototype using Excel Spreadsheet
Future Challenges as Strategy Evolves Template Structures Many ways to organize template structure which drive too much variability into structure and thus harder to devise a validation strategy Management of Templates and Requirements Document RDDV needs enhancements Recognize entities and features RDDV checks can invoke CheckMate Checkers Enforcement of RDDV checks CheckMate needs more sophisticated profile capabilities Profiles execute different based on decisions and rules Profiles and checkers “know” about RDDV checks
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