Why not make our waste into useful energy? By: Ty Fischer Biomass Fuel Energy Why not make our waste into useful energy? By: Ty Fischer
Definition and Types Biomass Fuel Energy: Energy developed from organic materials to produce electricity Types of Waste Scrap Lumber Forest Debris Crops Manure Other Waste
Location’s Mainly In U.S California (35) 2. Florida (11) 3. Maine (10) Michigan (9) Washington (8) Oregon (8)
Resource Benefit’s Renewable Reduces Landfills No Harmful Emissions Abundant No Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Resource Negative Deforestation Expensive Smell Requires More Land Increases Methane Gas
Resource Uses Heating Homes Cooking Electricity Heating Water Produces Fuels (Ethanol)
Cost Oil 2.50 Gallon $1,143 Per day $182’857 Small-scale biomass electric plants have installed costs of $3,000 to $4,000 per kW
Applicable Legislation Clean Air Act 1963 By United States Congress Toxic Substance Act 1976 Untied States Congress Migratory Bird Treaty Act 1918 Hazardous Materials Transportation Act 1975 U.S Congress Pollution Prevention Act 1990
Extra Facts 1.5% of U.S Energy Oldest Sources of Energy The word biomass means natural materiel Wood was biggest energy provider in 1800 Camp fires are similar to biomass factories
Cites http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/biomass-energy/ http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/our-energy-choices/renewable-energy/how-biomass-energy-works.html http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/Advantages_Disadvantages_BiomassEnergy.php http://teeic.indianaffairs.gov/er/biomass/legal/index.htm http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/tech/bioenergy
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ-cIVJuDks