10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Vision of Networked Knowledge Work Environments and Related Research Activities at the University of Michigan Daniel E. Atkins Dean & Professor School of Information Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science voice: fax: The University of Michigan Ann Arbor 48109
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Examples and further discussion from uJoseph Hardin - SI uThomas Finholt
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Framework for Knowledge-Work Systems Hi-Perf Computing & Storage Hi-Perf, Ubiquitous Communication Distributed Systems Technology Interaction with Humans (individual & teams, communities) Information Resources Physical World Communication, Collaboration Collaborative Knowledge Work (Knowledge Networking, KN Environments) (Community in the Digital Age)
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Stretch & Explore the “Vision Space” Innovation Extrapolatio n Social &Technology Forces digital libraries knowledge networks hybrid libraries virtual co-location electronic commerce virtual corporation community networks global collaboratory “…rapid social, technological and workplace transformations taking place.”
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Dept. Lib. Sci. Sch.. Lib. Sci. SILS School of Information Relationships with other UM Units Societal Needs Leadership, Luck, etc. 1. Reform of professional education. New integrated discipline. CSMIL CREW “Be Bold” Major investment by WKKF, Mellon, NSF, Companies, & UM Origins and Goals of the New School New Faculty “Spin-offs” A lab for UM 2. Center for multi-disciplinary, human-centered research on distributed knowledge work environments.
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Graphical Overview of Masters of Science in Information Curriculum Total 48 Credit Hours Foundations - 15 Credit Hours Use of Information Choice and Learning Search and Retrieval Social Systems and Collections Design and Management of Information Systems and Services Advanced Courses - 18 Credit Hours Other Courses at SI and elsewhere Practical Engagement 6-15 Credit Hours LIS: 15 Credit Hours ARM: 15 Credit Hours HCI: 15 Credit Hours Future: yet to be defined areas Info Economics, Management
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Research Project Examples uCollaboratories –UARC -> SPARC (NSF KDI/KN) –Bio-Medical: clinical and research –High Energy Physics –Product Design: Ford, Lucent, Steelcase, NIST –-->ATLAS uUM Digital Library Projects –NSF/DARPA/NASA DLI –Applied Projects in UM Libraries –Internet Public Library –Mellon Foundation JSTOR –PEAK uResearch in Community Settings - ACT uElectronic Commerce: MARX, IBM
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1993 National Research Council Study Available from: National Academy Press 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C COMMITTEE ON A NATIONAL COLLABORATORY: DEVELOPING THE USER-DEVELOPER PARTNERSHIP V. CERF, CNRI, Chair A. G. W. CAMERON, Harvard, Vice- Chair J. LEDERBERG, Rockefeller Univ. C. T. RUSSELL, UCLA B. SCHATZ, U. Arizona P. M. B. SHAMES, Cal Tech L. S. SPROULL, Boston Univ. R. A. WELLER, Woods Hole W. A. WULF, Univ. of Virginia
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Digital Libraries, E-Pub information for teams facilities for teams people-to-people Communication, Groupware Services Distributed, media-rich information technology Interaction with the Physical World “labs at a distance” “knowledge bases” Work in all 4 variations of same and different, time and place. The Collaboratory Concept
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Modes of Collaborative Work & Examples Same Different Same Different Physical Proximity TIME PLACE Telephone, shared editors, Timbuktu, Video conf. Electronic mail, conferencing, Lotus Notes Walk-in lab, physical BB, phy. library
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor New, Technology-Supported Organizations Can Be Simultaneously uBig and Small uCentralized and Decentralized uLocal and Global
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Collaboratory Example: UARC
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor UARC Facilities - May 1998
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor UARC Interface team chat dynamic work rooms Real-time ground instrumentsArchival dataJournals-> satellite instrumentscomputational models annotation Session replay
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor UARC Patterns of Communication Collaboratory Example: UARC
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor SPARC Components
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Interdisciplinary, Human-Centered, Iterative Design *Three symmetric, interlocking rings, no two of which are interlinked. Removing one destroys the synergy. Applications for Teams and Organizations People & Society Behavioral & Organizational Sciences Computer, Information, Sciences
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor UMDL Indexes Numeric Data Spatial Data Books Encoded Texts Reference Works Images Journals
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Many Digital Libraries to be Federated and Personalized for Individuals and Groups User Collection Service Collection Service
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Agent Architecture UIA TPA RA BSOA TA CIA Registry Agent Broad System of Ordering (subject ontology) Thesaurus Agent Task Planner Agent Registration Process Conspectus Search---Find CIAs Document Search--Get documents UI User ReA Remora Agent Stanford WB IN Web Book Indexer
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor The Inquiry Interface
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor International Aspects uDLI has established working groups with the European Union through ERCIM. –Jointly funded by NSF and EU. –Areas are interoperability, meta-data, large-scale, distributed retrieval, economics and intellectual property, and multi-linguality (includes Japanese - funded by Japanese) –Defining common R&D agendas. uPrivate Foundation interested in deploying DLs in developing countries (S. Africa, Latin-America, Thailand,...) uA lot going on in Pacific Rim (including Australia - many contacts with DLI projects.
JSTOR (Journal Storage Project) Now 2M pages; growing at 0.1M per month.
Academic Library Production Digital Library Services (now 5.2 M pages on site) Academic Library Production Digital Library Services (now 5.2 M pages on site)
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Internet Public Library /
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Cntr. for Learning Technologies in Urban Schools (HiCE + CoVIS) Research Driven & Informed by Applications R&D in Collaborative Knowledge-Work Systems Core Technical & Social Research Testbed Creation & Evaluation Education/Outreach Partnering/Leveraging Distr. Experimental Team Science Education UM Global Learning Community Kellogg-2 Projects -> ATLAS Healthcare & Biomedical Research Distr. Design in Global Corporations WKKF-UM Alliance for Community Technology Ford Lucent Steelcase UARC -> SPARC Local Communities Learning Health Economic Security Social Connectedness Rad. CoLab Evans NIH NIST
10/12/ D. E. Atkins, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor The End People & Society