Christine J McPherson Assistant Professor School of Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences University of Ottawa
Background Registered Nurse Health Psychologist Training in the UK Post-doctoral studies/Research Scientist End of Life Care for Seniors- New Emerging Team (CIHR) End of Life Care for Seniors- New Emerging Team (CIHR) Affiliated with the Élisabeth Bruyère Research Institute
Family caregivers Psychosocial issues at the end of life Proxies Self-Perceived Burden Research & evaluation Suffering & concerns Patient care Symptoms & Experiences Palliative care research
Current projects McPherson, C.J., Wilson, K.G., Lobchuk, M.M., Brajtman, S. Family caregivers’ recognition of cancer patients’ symptoms at the end of life. ELCS-NET Pilot Project $20,000/Sociobehavioural Cancer Research Network. $9,800 (04/2004 – 02/2006) Lobchuk, M.M., McPherson, C.J., McClement, S.E. Lung cancer stigma: Attributional effects on informal caregiver perspective- taking and accuracy outcomes on patient pain experiences. National Cancer Institute of Canada $204,592 (04/ /2008) Jones, J.M., Rodin, G., Zimmerman, C., Cohen, S.R., McPherson, C.J. Quality of life in cancer patients admitted to an acute palliative care unit and their caregivers: a prospective study of self-report and proxy-for-patient ratings. National Cancer Institute of Canada $174,941 (04/ /2008)
Links with the palliative care community Local, national & international level- Elisabeth Bruyere Research Institute/ SCO Health Service Optimizing End of Life Care for Seniors: A New Emerging Team. (PI Dr. P. Allard). Funding Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($1,267,000) Support Period: 04/ /2008 Improving Quality of Life in Palliative Care: Sociobehavioural Cancer Research Network (PI Dr. S.R. Cohen) Funding Source: National Cancer Institute of Canada ($444,000). Support Period: June 2000-May 2005 Training in the UK at St Christopher’s Hospice and King’s College London Presented my research at the Research Forum of the European Association for Palliative Care in Venice Italy in May 2006
Support for research/education in palliative care Strategic Training Program in Palliative Care Research (Principal Investigator Dr. S. Robin Cohen) Funding Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($1,800,000) Dates of Proposed Project: April March 2006 Mentor on this team- assisted a PhD candidate to obtain funding to support her PhD in Nursing at the University of Ottawa School of Nursing
Teaching Post-RN: Socio-Cultural Concepts of Aging NSG 4304 Fall course MScN: Research Methods NSG 5140 Winter course
Student supervision Member of the Faculty of Post-Graduate Studies (FPGS) Co-supervising two students - research in the area of palliative care at the masters and doctoral level