From Hospital…… ……. to Home « The use of I C T for healthcare in France » Bertrand BAILLEUL European Health Managers Forum
New challenges in the healthcare The power of the consumers The technological transition The epidemiological changes The problem of the human resources The difficulty of public funding
Which vision for the new decade ? The patient is unique The place of the different caregivers Bringing an added value
The emerging solution An integrated service system - From hospital to home : a global solution for the patient - A new organisation of the care provider
The place of the Rehabilitation The rehabilitation : A real bridge between hospital and home A more specialised and larger job A way to decrease the cost of acute care
Towards a New Concept « The Home-Based Long-Term Specialised Care » - In addition to the traditional home care, the specialised home care (managed by the hospital) New ways of specialised clinical treatments with a coordination of specialized services an increased patient and caregiver support a medicalisation of the home a large use of the new technologies, especially ICT
The place of the ICT Can ICT bring solutions ?
THE TELEMEDECINE A NEW TOOL Teleexpertise/Telediagnostic Teleconsultation Telesurveillance Teleassistance Visioconference Teleinformation, ehealth
THE TELEMEDECINE IN PARIS AREA - Paris : a large area with 15 Millions people (20 University Hospitals, more than 100 General Hospitals) - The telemedecine in Paris area : a network of 41 Hospitals in Paris area 52 Applications 40 Specialities The example of TELIF : A tool for the neurosurgery
Some examples The stroke The transplantation The home care
THE STROKE (1) Brain Strokes in France per year - 20% patients die in the first days - 70% patients have severe handicaps - 3 Hours for dealing a patient with a brain stroke - Difficult transfert in Paris due to large traffic jams - With Telemedecine, it was possible to decrease these figures from 30% during the last three years (scann and thrombolyse)
THE STROKE (2) Telemedecine is now used for : - Telediagnostic - Teleconsultation - Visioconference of medical meetings - Medical files
THE STROKE (3) Telemedecine is starting to be used in rehabilitation centers in connection with stroke centers for : - Choice of transferts - Teleconsultation - Visioconference of medical meetings
THE STROKE (4) Telemedecine is planned to be used for home care in connection with stroke centers and rehabilitation centers for : - telesurveillance - visioconference with local and home caregivers - medical files - telediagnostic
THE TRANSPLANTATION (1) Liver transplantations need a short stay in the transplantation centers and quick transfers in specialised rehabilitation centers. Telemedecine is used for : - Choice of transferts - Teleconsultation - Visioconference of medical meetings
THE TRANSPLANTATION (2) Telemedecine is planned to be used for home care for : - telesurveillance - visioconference with local and home caregivers - medical files - telediagnostic - teleeducation (nutrition)
THE HOME CARE (1) Specialised Home care are now using technicals tools for : - Heart pressure controle - Chimiotherapie - Palliative care - Life support/ventilator assistance system
THE HOME CARE (2) Telemedecine is planned to be used for home care for : - telesurveillance - visioconference with local and home caregivers - medical files - telediagnostic - teleeducation, ehealth - telesupport
THE PLACE OF ITC - ITC will allow the development of new ways of care - but it will raise new challenges partly for the rehabilitation care but mainly for the home care
The specialised home care a big challenge for the coming years thanks to ICT ……but large unsolved problems remain Which cooperation with the traditional home care ? Are the home caregivers ready to be so much involved ? How to deal with the risks in a home which become a mini hospital ? Is it cheaper and more efficient than keeping these patients in the hospital ?
CONCLUSION ICT are necessary for facing the new challenges of healthcare but it will be necessary to deal with new problems What will be the place of the hospital with which organisation and …………….which architecture ?