CSI – Quebec 1759 The Death of General Wolfe
Based on the evidence of the death scene you must determine who got it right and why?
Note Card Activity On your note card jot down some observations you can make looking at each image. Take note of: Poses Use of light Costuming
As Seen by Benjamin West
As Seen by Edward Penny
Note Card Part II Determine which version of the death of General Wolfe you think is the closest to actual history. Why? Provide an explanation of your findings.
Benjamin West Father of the History Painting Born in the American Colonies and left for England upon the outbreak of the War for Independence. Married a Loyalist. Noted for use of Romanticism in his works
Edward Penny -Born Died 1791 Trained as an artist, in portraiture, but was overshadowed by the work of others, including West. Paintings tend to reflect realism and were less romanticized than Wests work.
So What? The Battle of Quebec in 1759 was the critical battle of the French and Indian War. The French were successfully driven out of North America and with the Treaty of Paris of 1763 ending the war, Great Britain took control of most of North America.
Treaty of Paris 1763
Hope you got the point of this slide show!