Pragmatic Trials and Dissemination /Implementation Research (PT-D/I) Unit Elaine Morrato, DrPH, MPH Director, PT-D/I Unit Objectives 1.To foster a learning community and serve as a conduit for active dissemination of resources from NIH and other national organizations engaged in implementation science and pragmatic research. 2.To catalyze and centrally support the CCTSI community in the development of pragmatic trials, comparative effectiveness research methods, and implementation science to achieve increased efficiency and economies of scale. Governance CCTSI CTR Resources & Services Organization PT-D/I Unit Director: Elaine Morrato (0.2 FTE) BERDCommunityEngagement Informatics ResearchStudio EducationTraining CCTSI Collaborations Pilot Program Approach 1.To foster a learning community 1.1 Offer local high-quality educational training workshops, conferences and learning seminars. 1.3Leverage and partner with existing local expertise and resources to support educational content creation and course delivery. 1.3Disseminate locally (and nationally) training resources via on- line platforms. 2.To catalyze and centrally support the CCTSI community 2.1 Help researchers navigate available resources. 2.2 Leverage, and partner with, other CCTSI resources to address gaps. Accomplishments: Education In-Person Workshops: On-line, Open-Access Canvas course materials Dissemination: eBook (Sep 2014) eBook (Summer 2015) Implementation Science (under review) Maintenance: ACCORDS CRISP Seminar Series CLSC (CCTSI) D/I graduate course Pragmatic Research using EHR data 2015/2016 Pragmatic Research using EHR data 2015/2016 Accomplishments: D/I Research Conference Developing a National Implementation Research Agenda on the Appropriate Use of Clinical Preventive Services (AHRQ R13 HS , PI: Morrato) Our conference and year-long engagement process will provide a forum for dialogue to define a national implementation research and action agenda to decrease the over-, under-, and inequitable use of preventive services. Accomplishments: Successful Investigators CCTSI Support: K-to-R Program, Input from the PT and D/I Unit A Multicenter Trial of a Shared Decision Support Intervention for Patients and their Caregivers Offered Destination Therapy for End-Stage Heart Failure Principal Investigator: Larry A. Allen, MD, MS University of Colorado Denver PCORI-Funded: 2014, Communication and Dissemination Research Highlighted Investigator Questions for EAC 1.Missed opportunities? … given the scope of current infrastructure support 2.Missed opportunities? … suggestions to expand impact and/or enhance funding sources 3.Opportunities for CTSA Consortium involvement? With the elimination of KFCs, there isn’t a natural forum for sharing across CTSA organizations.