The Oley Foundation, Inc. Providing critical information to over 8,200 members on topics such as research, health insurance and medical advances in the homePEN arena. Providing critical information to over 8,200 members on topics such as research, health insurance and medical advances in the homePEN arena. A source of support, helping homePEN patients overcome the unique psycho-social challenges they face. A source of support, helping homePEN patients overcome the unique psycho-social challenges they face.
Oley Foundation Programs provided at no charge to consumers, family members LifelineLetter – bimonthly newsletter. LifelineLetter – bimonthly newsletter.
Oley Foundation Programs Regional Coordinator Network: Regional Coordinator Network: 52 well-adjusted consumers or family members bringing outreach and support to their communities. 52 well-adjusted consumers or family members bringing outreach and support to their communities.
Annual and Regional Conferences: Annual and Regional Conferences: Opportunities for homePEN consumers, clinicians, providers and members of industry to share information and support. Opportunities for homePEN consumers, clinicians, providers and members of industry to share information and support. Oley Foundation Programs
Information Clearinghouse: Information Clearinghouse: Efforts designed to answer questions about homePEN through toll-free hotline, video library and web site. Efforts designed to answer questions about homePEN through toll-free hotline, video library and web site. Oley Foundation Programs
Toll-free Consumer Network: Toll-free Consumer Network: A networking tool providing members free phone access to experienced homePEN consumers. A networking tool providing members free phone access to experienced homePEN consumers.
Oley Foundation Programs Oley Forum: Oley Forum: A free online community A free online community for homePEN patients and for homePEN patients and their families, friends, and their families, friends, and caregivers. It is a place where caregivers. It is a place where they can find and support one they can find and support one another, share stories and another, share stories and build a network of online friends. build a network of online friends.
Oley Foundation Programs MY HPN Education Modules: MY HPN Education Modules: A free on-line tool to teach patients how to take an active role in managing their HPN and improve their quality of life. A free on-line tool to teach patients how to take an active role in managing their HPN and improve their quality of life.
Keeping Patients SAFE “ Keep Me Safe” Initiative : A colorful bracelet and poster to reinforce the importance of maintaining a sterile-to-sterile pathway around vascular access.
Oley Efforts… Educate consumers about the therapies that sustain them. Reduce isolation. Empower consumers to be active in their care.
Those affiliated with Oley have better outcomes! NIH-funded study conducted by Carol Smith, RN, PhD, School of Nursing, University of Kansas, demonstrated that those connected to Oley experienced: Less reactive depression Less reactive depression A lower incidence of catheter-related sepsis A lower incidence of catheter-related sepsis A significantly higher quality of life A significantly higher quality of life
You Can Help! Use the bulleted points on the front to introduce your patients to Oley programs. Use the bulleted points on the front to introduce your patients to Oley programs. Complete the form on back, have the patient sign, and send it to Oley. We’ll mail them a new-member packet. Oley Information Flyer – a HIPPA-compliant way to connect your patients with the Oley Foundation. Oley Information Flyer – a HIPPA-compliant way to connect your patients with the Oley Foundation.
You Can Help! Call OLEY for outreach materials that will help you introduce consumers and professionals to the Oley Foundation.