Adam J, Brianna D, Daron B, Natasha A, and Sonna D
Wattage Noun. The amount of power required to operate an electrical appliance or device
Renewable Energy Noun. Any naturally occurring theoretically inexhaustible source of energy as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave, and hydroelectric power that is not derived from fossil or nuclear fuel.
Nonrenewable Adjective. Something that is not able to be renewed
A technical check of energy use, as in a home or factory, tomonitor and evaluate consumption.
A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation Green house e-mis-sion [noun.]
Ther-mo-stat thur-muh-stat [noun, verb.] A device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment. To equip or control with a thermostat.
Am·bi·ent tem·per·a·ture [ noun.] The temperature of the surrounding environment; technically, the temperature of the air surrounding a power supply or cooling medium; abbreviated
` Definition: A hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from the accumulated remains of ancient plants and animals and used as fuel. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases generated by burning fossil fuels are considered to be one of the principal causes of global warming
Definiton: A mixture of hydrocarbon gases that occurs naturally beneath the Earth’s surface, often with or near petroleum deposits. Natural gas contains mostly of methane but also has varying amounts of ethane, propane, butane, and nitrogen. It is used as a fuel and in making organic compounds.
Weather Stripping Noun A narrow piece of material, such as plastic, rubber, felt, or metal, installed around doors and windows to protect an interior from external extremes in temperature.
Insulation [ in-suh-ley-shuhn- ins-yuh] Noun Material
R Value Noun A measure of the resistance of an insulating or building material to heat flow, expressed as R-11, R-20, and so on; the higher the number, the greater the resistance to heat flow.
Consumption [kuhn-suhmp-shuhn] Noun The act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction, or the using up goods and services having an exchangeable value.
Fossil Fuels (N) Any combustible organic material, as oil, coal or natural gas derived from the remains of former life.
Sustain (V) To support, hold, or bear up from below
Carbon Footprint (N) A measure of the of carbon dioxide produced by a person