Built Workshop Ann Arbor Automated Vehicle Symposium 2015 DOWNTOWN ANN ARBOR
Population expected growth is 8.6% by 2040 Employment growth is 20.2% by 2040 Households growth is 11.1% by 2040 Current Job occupations Education – 21% Health – 18% Art & Food – 7.6% Retail Trade – 8.1% SEMCOG PROJECTIONS OF DEMOGRAPHICS IN ANN ARBOR
Premium living environments such as Varsity Apartments, 411 Lofts, Zaragon, etc. High-end boutiques such as Shinola, Cherry Republic, etc. Restaurants like Jolly Pumpkin, Aventura, etc. High-tech offices like Menlo, Torrent Consulting, Google, etc. Medical, retail or small personal services UTILIZATION OF SPACE
Downtown Ann Arbor will have pedestrian zone/restricted vehicle area during prime hours University zone will make non-changing demand for social and cultural experiences, found through music, art, and dining Young professionals desire to live in the downtown area or its near surroundings SOCIAL HUB
People living and working downtown Walk or bike to work Travel using automated transit People who work and live outside and go inside for pleasure Use car-sharing and automated transit to get to downtown drop-off zones People who live inside and work outside Work in Detroit-Metropolitan area in auto industry (for example) and live in Ann Arbor People who live outside and work inside Use car-sharing and automated transit to get to downtown drop-off zones, public automated transit to get to workplace DAY IN THE LIFE (2040)
Multi-modal last mile solutions Multiple areas where switch from single-occupancy vehicle to shared vehicle outside of downtown zones possibly near bike-share locations Don’t want door-to-door single-occupancy autonomous vehicles within downtown city bounds Parking swap in northern downtown area – convert existing parking lot into a public space Downtown zone: Shared vehicle environment within downtown area Bus system within city Handicap services and Emergency Vehicles Pedestrian zone: Walking, biking, and automated public transit (tram) only within pedestrian zone Emergency one lane for Emergency Vehicles and delivery vehicles RESTRICTED VEHICLE ZONES
Pedestrian Networks Urban Magnets Existing Road Network
Off-hour or scheduled freight delivery Unmanned freight delivery Amazon drones FedEx and UPS autonomous trucks FREIGHT ACCESS
Time slot to be dropped off at zone Time slot for freights Time slot for charging cars Time slot for being picked up at zone HUGE RELIANCE ON SCHEDULING