The Internet Hall of Fame Induction Memorial Party for the late Dr. Masaki Hirabaru Shigeki Goto JPNIC Wednesday 4 March,
Internet Hall of Fame Pioneers Circles: Jun Murai (2013) Innovators: Global Connectors: Kilnam Chon (2012), Toru Takahashi (2012) Haruhisa Ishida (2013) Masaki Hirabaru (2014) news/internet-hall-fame-announces-2014-inductees 2
JINC/JPNIC — APNIC Hirabaru served as chair of JNIC’s steering committee, directing the start-up of the organization, documenting its rules and procedures, and designing service operations to achieve organized and stable registration. He then extended the reach of the Internet by proposing the creation of APNIC, so that people in all countries in the Asia-Pacific region could obtain IP number resources easily. See more at: hirabaru#sthash.svRhihNp.dpuf 3
Hirabaru earned his PhD from Kyushu University in 1989 and worked for Kyushu University, the University of Tokyo, and NICT, among other organizations and companies. A natural leader, he played key roles in various research network projects in Japan and throughout the region, specializing in the areas of routing, network measurement and monitoring, and wireless and mobile networks. Hirabaru passed away on July 29,
A big boy with a small modem in 1986 Kyushu University NTT Lab 5
APNIC and JPNIC Confederation RIR IP addresses and AS numbers IANA ICANN APNICJPNICKRNICTWNICRIPE NCC European Friends A Proposal for APNIC experiments presented by Jun Murai (WIDE Project/JNIC) and Masaki Hirabaru (WIDE Project/JNIC) at the APCCIRN meeting in Waikiki, Honolulu. January 13, 1993 History of APNIC for APNIC experimentsAPCCIRN meeting 6
APAN 2003 Fukuoka Masaki Hirabaru / ISIT. 7
Kwangju Busan 2.5G Fukuoka Korea 2.5G SONET KOREN Taegu Daejon 10G 1G (10G) 1G Seoul XP Genkai XP Kitakyushu Kashima 1G (10G) Fukuoka Japan 250km 1,000km 2.5G JGN II 9,000km 4,000km Los Angeles Chicago Washington DC MIT Haystack 10G 2.4G APII/JGNII Abilene Koganei 1G(10G) Indianapolis 100km bwctl server Experiment for High-Performance Scientific Data Transfer 10G Tokyo XP / JGN II I-NOC *Performance Measurement Point Directory perf server e-vlbi server JGNII 10G GEANT SWITCH 7,000km TransPAC Pittsburgh U of Tokyo A BWCTL account available for CMM including Korean researchers International collaboration to support for science applications U. Hawaii © Masaki Hirabaru, January 27,
Arbor Peakflow IP Flow-Based Technology Akihiro Shimoda, Dark Flow, 2009 Virtual Dark IP (*) IEICE, Vol.J92-B, No.1, pp , January, 2009 Two students visited Ann Arbor, Michigan, in August
Thank you for participate in this memorial party for Dr. Masaki Hirabaru. -- Organizing Group W ednesday, 4 March,