The formation and control of emerging disinfection by- products of health concern by Stuart W. Krasner Philosophical Transactions A Volume 367(1904):4077-4095.


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Presentation transcript:

The formation and control of emerging disinfection by- products of health concern by Stuart W. Krasner Philosophical Transactions A Volume 367(1904): October 13, 2009 ©2009 by The Royal Society

Schematic diagram of the reaction of organic and inorganic DBP precursors with disinfectants to form regulated and emerging DBPs. Stuart W. Krasner Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2009;367: ©2009 by The Royal Society

Impact of disinfection scenario on iodinated THM formation (sum of all six species) in plant effluents in a US occurrence study (iodinated THMs for one plant with chlorine dioxide and chloramines was 6.8 μg l−1). Stuart W. Krasner Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2009;367: ©2009 by The Royal Society

US and Canadian occurrence (annual average values for each system) of NDMA in effluents and distribution systems of drinking water treatment plants that used chlorine or chloramines (NDMA at chlorine/anion-exchange plant= 20–30 ng l−1). Stuart W. Krasner Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2009;367: ©2009 by The Royal Society

Impact of the unit processes at a US softening plant with ozonation and biofiltration on DBP precursors as measured by their FPs using chlorine for the halogenated DBPs and chloramines for NDMA. Stuart W. Krasner Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2009;367: ©2009 by The Royal Society