Done by: Alisa Yasmin, Christabel Robert, Nuzul Nazkhatul, Ganisha, Nata, Kheng Ian & Benjamin 1E1
Where does tap water come from? 2/3 of drinking water in Singapore comes from surface water - sources such as reservoirs, lakes and rivers. The rest of the water comes from ground water - underground geological formations that store rain water.
They have wells drilled near a river or creek up stream of where the water treatment plant is! The water is pumped along and the water towers you see in every town are filled about half way with water to put pressure on the water in the line to keep the pressure up so your shower sprays and not dribbles! The waste water and sewage is lead down a pipe where it is treated by spraying water on it over and over to put oxygen through it. Where does tap water come from?
The reason is because oxygen is a antibacterial and cleans the water before it is released back into the river and the solids are trucked to a field where it is let to stand for some time before it is plowed under to become dirt and where bacteria in the soil can kill the rest of the other bad bacteria like typhoid and salmonella! Where does tap water come from?
Main Water Source Singapore is an island located in South East Asia. Singapore’s ideal geographic location makes it a common shipping route for ships to various ports. Until recent times, seawater was not seen as a main water resource, due to the high costs of desalination.
How is the WATER Treated? Raw water from various sources is conveyed by pipelines to the waterworks where it is chemically treated, filtered and disinfected. Treatment frees the water of harmful bacteria, makes it clear, sparkling, odourless, colourless, and safe for consumption. Most treatment plants use chemical coagulation to remove suspended matter in the raw water. For chemical coagulation, correct doses of suitable coagulants and coagulant-aids are added to the raw water to combine larger particles of suspended matter.
How is the WATER Treated? At Chestnut Avenue and Choa Chu Kang Waterworks, the suspended particles are removed by membrane filtration. The filtered water, on its way to the clear water tank, where it is temporarily stored, is disinfected with chlorine to get rid of all harmful bacteria and viruses. The water is then pumped into the distribution system and service reservoirs, ready for consumption.
How was water purified? Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, materials, and biological contaminants from contaminated water. The goal is to produce water fit for a specific purpose. Most water is purified for human consumption (drinking water). In general the methods used include physical processes such as filtration and sedimentation, biological processes such as slow sand filters or activated sludge, chemical processes such as flocculation and chlorination.drinking waterfiltration sedimentationslow sand filtersactivated sludgeflocculationchlorination
Is NeWater safe for consumption? Yes, NEWater is safe for human consumption. In fact, NEWater is cleaner than PUB water. NEWater is purified using a double membrane barrier system that will screen off viruses and bacteria in the water. The same types of membrane process system have been used for production of bottled drinking water and for desalination of seawater. In addition, NEWater will also pass through an UV irradiation barrier as a final safeguard before the NEWater is passed for use.
Materials Straws Woods 2 Containers A3 Cardboard Strong Tape 1 small Container( to collect water )