BRAC RTF CGIA Progress Report July 26, 2007
BRAC RTF Task #10 CGIA role Mapping and analysisMapping and analysis Geographic Information SystemsGeographic Information Systems Support to regional planningSupport to regional planning
BRAC RTF Task #10 CGIA scope of work Analysis and mapping for Joint Land Use StudyAnalysis and mapping for Joint Land Use Study Expand Sustainable Sandhills to 11 countiesExpand Sustainable Sandhills to 11 counties Add a future perspective to land suitability mapsAdd a future perspective to land suitability maps
Joint Land Use Study Incorporated areas Incorporated areas Population density Population density Developed land Developed land Non-developed land Non-developed land Wetlands, flood zones, watersheds Wetlands, flood zones, watersheds Tax parcels (urban and rural) Tax parcels (urban and rural)
Status of JLUS Mapping Base maps completed Base maps completed Parcel analysis in draft form Parcel analysis in draft form Land suitability analysis next Land suitability analysis next Other mapping to support light and communication studies to follow Other mapping to support light and communication studies to follow
Regional Maps and Analysis Collaboration with Sustainable Sandhills Collaboration with Sustainable Sandhills 11-County Region 11-County Region Land Suitability Analysis Land Suitability Analysis
Land Suitability Models Relative values across the landscape Relative values across the landscape Distinct areas -- variation Distinct areas -- variation Suitability for different uses Suitability for different uses Areas suitable for more than one use Areas suitable for more than one use
Suitability Models Industrial Industrial Commercial Commercial Residential Residential Natural areas Natural areas Sustainable farmland Sustainable farmland Working forests Working forests
Approach Sustainable Sandhills Sustainable Sandhills Land use teamLand use team Regional workshopRegional workshop County workshopsCounty workshops Focus groupsFocus groups Set of Suitability Maps Set of Suitability Maps
Project Questions What makes an area most suitable for each of the six types (criteria)? What makes an area most suitable for each of the six types (criteria)? Where are those areas (map)? Where are those areas (map)? How much area (table)? How much area (table)?
Example Commercial development Map “layers”Map “layers” Combined ratingsCombined ratings Maps and numbersMaps and numbers
Population density and median household income
Distance from primary roads (US and NC)
Public sewer service (in or near a service area)
Public water service (in or near a service area)
Slope: white is most steep black is least steep
Wet soils Hydric soils: A is wet more often than B Hydric A (red) Hydric B (dark gray) Light gray areas do not have hydric soils
Flood zones (blues) Wetlands (purple) Critical water supply watersheds (red) Conserved lands (green)
Commercial suitability
Results leaving out military bases, conserved lands, and water related areas
The Numbers Cells are 98.4 by 98.4 feet or 9,687 square feet Acre is 43,560 square feet Convert count of cells to acres
Industrial suitability: red is high suitability, then orange, then yellow green are least suitable
Industrial: Results leaving out military bases, conserved lands, and water related areas
Residential Suitability: Results leaving out military bases, protected lands, lakes, and critical water supply watershed areas
Residential: Results with NC and US Highways (black)
Natural Areas
Forests: Results leaving out military bases, developed lands and lakes (dark gray) Note: Lands with conservation status may have working forests
Status of Regional Analysis 6 maps complete 6 maps complete Integration of the 6 perspectives in process Integration of the 6 perspectives in process Generate a future perspective Generate a future perspective Identify web tools for displaying project maps Identify web tools for displaying project maps
BRAC RTF Document prepared by Jeffrey Brown NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis