Youth Ambassadors & Site Liaison Training
How does the partnership between my site and Connecting Generations work? The AmeriCorps member is the bridge between their site and a highly effective mentoring program Connecting Generations works as the beams that support the bridge (the member) and works to ensure that both the members and the sites have the tools they need to be successful.
Anything site specific that the member needs (questions about the staff, school teams, facilities, technology, etc.) can be addressed to their site liaison. Anything related to mentoring, mentor programming, AmeriCorps, insurance or any other questions or concerns should be addressed to the Program Director. An open line of communication will be maintained between the sites and Connection Generations to ensure that sites and members have all the supports necessary to be successful.
OUTCOMES AND DELIVERABLES & Setting Program Goals Improve the functioning of a site based mentoring program so that the Elements of Effective Practice of MENTOR the National Mentoring Partnership are implemented and/or expanded Improve the attendance, academic performance and/or relationships with others of identified mentees Match a minimum of 10% of the school population with a trained mentor, with 80% of these matches continuing until the end of the program year Increase frequency and quality of mentor relationships
Reporting Members are required to complete: – Hour Reporting Logs (bi-weekly) Signed by the site liaison & faxed – Member Service Reflection (monthly) ed to YA – Status dashboards (monthly) ed to YA, site liaison & the principal Reports must be submitted on time. After three late submissions disciplinary action can be taken (pg 26-32)
Supporting your member Ensuring that members have: – a work space – the materials they need to be successful (an e- mail address, a computer with internet, access to a fax machine, paper, etc.) – an adequate understanding of the building and the staff – A overview of the teams/support teams within the building
Supporting your member cont. Ensuring that members have: – An understanding the surrounding communities
Hours & Scheduling Youth Ambassadors must complete a total of 1700 hours to fulfill the requirements of their term of service. That breaks down to about 35 hours per week between October 1 st - August 31 st.
Hours & Scheduling Members have been informed that their hours will be those of their site’s regular school day unless the site identifies programming that may need occur outside of the school day. Meet with your member early on to determine hours and scheduling
Time off Members are allowed 6 days (42 hours) to be used for sick and vacation time. Members must submit time-off request to their site liaison in writing. Members must notify the YA Program director of time-off request approvals. Members do not receive service hours when they are off.
AmeriCorps Youth Ambassadors Trainings/ Volunteer Opportunities Members are required to attend several meetings and trainings throughout their service year. Pg 15
Trainings Any time spent learning a new skill for more than 15 minutes will constitute training time. Members are encouraged to attend trainings relevant to the program goals. Trainings cannot exceed more than 20% of an AmeriCorps total service hours
Trainings cont. A Training Verification form should be filled out whenever you attend a training NOT offered through the AmeriCorps program. So, your Mentor Coordinator training does not require a training verification form, while a Positive Behavior Support team training offered at your site (but not through AmeriCorps) does. A good way to distinguish between trainings that do and don’t require you to fill out this form is to consider: will the AmeriCorps program receive a sign-in sheet for this training? If not, then we need a training verification form from you. See Sample on page 28
Prohibited Program Activities Lobbying of any kind Political activity including voter registration Fundraising: members cannot write grants to fund their own position or serve on projects solely focused on fundraising at any given time Providing direct service that is not related to their capacity building project Any activity that is not included in the approved project scope Pg. 78
Other AmeriCorps Requirements FBI background checks AmeriCorps logo and the Youth Ambassadors name on all pertinent materials. Ambassadors need to include “Connecting Generations’ AmeriCorps Youth Ambassador” in their title and use it in their electronic signature, in all s, letters, and promotional materials.
Member Rights & Responsibilities Pg: 9 & 10
If there is a problem… Members: – Report any problems or concerns that are not being addressed at your site to the Program Director Site Liaisons: – Report any problems concerning your Youth Ambassador and/or their performance to the Program Director We are a resource for both the member and the sites, working to ensure that everyone has what they need to be successful.
Coming Soon to an Addendum near you… Snow Days