J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren CimConteXtor A. Maizener : J.L. Sanson : Credit to Sebastien Maligue
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren Introduction In WG16 a methodology is being defined and is inspired by UN/CEFACT with several basic principals: Layering from Information Model to Contexts Restrictions on the model Attributes status Associations Types of attributes Precise rules for naming and for going from one layer to the next In Charlotte we demonstrated a tool to help to apply the methodology : CimConteXtor
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren CimConteXtor : Basic principles The different model layers: Information Model, Contexts (Profiles) are expressed in UML The projection to syntaxtic level (RDFS, XSD, HTML) should be automatic following published rules. The tool must be compliant with the standards (and not the other way round) => The tool is an UML manipulation tool to transform each layer into the following one The tool must follow the rules defined in WG16 (then WG19) It must be as user friendly as possible
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren CimConteXtor survey CimConteXtor = add-in EA ( implemented in C#) The operator interface is the usual one of EA (diagrams and drag and drop of objects) with the exception of several new dialog windows) Since Charlotte the code has been consolidated and the features have been completed: – Editing an isBasedOn Class : applying restrictions on a Cim class – Editing a Connector between two IsBasedOn Class : applying restrictions on an association – Editing a datatype : applying restrictions on a CimDatatype, Compound or enumeration. – Allowing inheritance from an abstract class – …
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren Syntaxtic Projection : CimSyntaxGen This companion addin allows export of models into: RDFS following IEC RDFS legacy augmented no official specs XSD following provisional WG19 NDR rules HTML (for documentation purpose) Reminder: The tool benefits from all the EA export capabilities: xmi, html, various languages. In the near future: OWL when there are official specifications
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren Methodology (reminder) Information Model UML Modèles Conceptuels UML Modèles d’Echanges UML Modèle d’Echange XML (XSD) Modèles Conceptuels UML Profile Models UML Modèles d’Echanges UML Assembly Models UML Modèle d’Echange XML (XSD) Exchanged XML Schemas
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren DEMO just a CimConteXtor and CimSyntaxGen flavour Demo Target : populate a profile from an given Information Model Demonstrate the major features : - create and edit IsBasedOn datatype/enumeration - create and edit an IsBasedOn Class Including inheritance - create and edit an association between 2 IsBasedOnClasses - what ever you do with the tool, you can always reedit and correct or modify what has been done
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren First create IsBasedOn packages for your profile
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren Focus on datatype restriction
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren Restriction datatypes
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren demonstration
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren Complete Exemple case: CPSM Use of CimConteXtor => A UML model of CPSM Profile A lot of questions about datatypes usage
J-L Sanson, A. Maizener Cimug © Zamiren Conclusion - The tool has most of, for now required, features One next major feature to come: report on impact of Cim evolutions - CimConteXtor has been distributed for beta testing => one concern: find a way to get a good and reactive maintenance - The tool is available in beta testing, with a user guide, for evaluating and commenting : Ask it by mail to => you will receive a usual MSwindows msi executable that will install the tool