Lesson 13 Introduction to Genre Theory
A particular style or category of work characterised by a particular form, style or purpose.
Costume Acting Cinematography Iconography
SemanticsProhibition era, speakeasies, bootlegging, jazz, guns, suits, flappers, violence, class SyntaxAlcohol and criminality will lead to the downfall of American society. Exploration of the underclass. Critique of the American Dream. Examples:Public Enemies (dir. Wellman, 1931), Little Ceaser (dir. LeRoy, 1931) & Scarface (dir. Hawks, 1932)
SemanticsImmigrant life, Little Italy, xenophobia, family, guns, drugs, mafia/ mob, violence, class, police, pasta, corruption, Catholicism. SyntaxCelebration of the anti-hero, exploration of the underclass, critique of the American Dream. ExamplesThe Godfather Trilogy (dir. Coppola, ) Goodfellas (dir. Scorsese, 1990), Donnie Brasco (dir. Newll, 1997)
SemanticsInner city ghettos, gang culture, rap, drugs, guns, bling, violence, class, brotherhood, drive by shootings, racism, nihilism SyntaxExposing the failings of American race relations, results of disenfranchisement. Exploration of the underclass. Critique of American Dream ExamplesBoyz n the Hood (dir. Singleton, 1991), Clockers (dir. Lee, 1995)
Unforgiven - A uniquely different western Clint on what makes a good western
The individual Freedom Honour Integrity (honesty) Self interest The community Restriction Institutions Compromise Social responsibility
Nature Purity Brutalisation Savagery Culture Corruption Refinement Humanity
Unforgiven (dir. Eastwood, 1992) Genre Iconography Western hero Other characters Representation of violence The law Binary oppositions Importance of landscape Myth