11-19 Headteachers and Principals County Strategic Meeting Performance Outcomes Overview of 2013/14 and Lessons Learned for 2014/15 Elizabeth Funge & Terry Boatwright Wednesday 8 th October 2014
Headline attainment results We now have provisional headline attainment results for all key stages Showing an upward trend across Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2 Key Stages 4 and 5 we need to see national data before picture is clear
Early 2014 Performance Headlines: Foundation Stage National East Sussex ↑ Percentage of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD)
Early 2014 Performance Headlines: KS1 - % of pupils achieving Level 2b or above National East Sussex ↑ Reading Writing Mathematics National East Sussex ↑ National East Sussex ↑
Early 2014 Performance Headlines: Key Stage 2 Reading, Writing and Maths % of pupils achieving Level 4 or above in Reading, Writing and Mathematics Combined National % East Sussex ↑
Early 2014 Performance Headlines: Key Stage 4 – GCSEs (Provisional) % of pupils achieving 5 or more GCSEs A*-C including English and Maths (Best Entry) 2014 (First Entry) National 59.1%60.8% tbc East Sussex58.2%59.9%57%52.6%
Early 2014 Performance Headlines: Key Stage 4 - English % of pupils achieving A*-C in GCSE English National 66%68.5% tbc East Sussex65%69%69.6%
Early 2014 Performance Headlines: Key Stage 4 - Maths National 68%71.4% tbc East Sussex70%69.5%66.2% % of pupils achieving A*-C in GCSE maths
National 76.9% 77.7% East Sussex73.7%72.5%67.9% % of A Level entries resulting in achievement of A*- C Early 2014 Performance Headlines: Key Stage 5 - A Levels
The Context National Statistical Neighbours Geographical Neighbours Our original Objectives
When you are up to your waist in alligators, it is difficult to remember that your original objective was to clear the swamp. OFSTED Governors Local Media
The Secondary Challenge 3% increase in %5+A*CEM Move into top half/top 3 of our statistical neighbours Significantly decrease the Pupil Premium gap.
National & Neighbour Nationally: 6+% decrease in %5+A*CEM ‘First’ 1+% decrease in %5+A*CEM ‘Best’ Schools in disadvantaged & coastal areas worst hit Brighton & Hove -8.2% in %5+A*CEM Average neighbour ‘reported’ decrease is 3% Many report significant drop in maths
Pupil Premium School ACEM Pupil Premium Gap ACEM Pupil Premium Gap gap trend School A-46%-17%↓29% School B -35%-14%↓21% School C -40%-10%↓30% School D -19%-15%↓4% School E -31%-18%↓13% School F -29%-13%↓16% School G -23%-25%↑2% School H -70%-27%↓43%
Better Together? Significant success in reducing the PP gap. Schools which engaged with HSG support on average fared better: -2.4% vs -4.8% Statistical correlation between a school’s engagement & achieving target results.
How was it for you? “What were the areas of success and underperformance for my school or academy?” “Is there anything important missing from the summary of the current state of play for the County?”
We have learned that: We didn’t do enough to enable all schools to engage with HSG We should have worked more closely with schools to agree/understand targets LA needs to be more confident that all HTs have a secure grasp of likely outcomes and predictions are accurate The quality, timeliness and intensity of support needs to improve We didn’t monitor effectiveness of support sufficiently well
What are we doing about it? We are going to: increase our efforts to engage with HTs support HTs to get to grips with the data facilitate improved sharing of data negotiate targets with schools via CHTs improve the quality & quantity of support monitor ongoing effectiveness of support via CHTs Work with Martin K on Attainment/Progress 8