L 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15 Lesson 8 Loving Leadership 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15 August 15, 2010 Paul’s Epistles to the Thessalonians
I.Introduction to Lesson 8 A.I have another confession... B.Sanctification: the overall theme of 3:11—5:22 1.3:11-13 (Sanctification = the goal) 2.4:1-12 (Sanctification, sex, and work) 3.4:13—5:11 (Sanctification and the Second Coming) 4.5:12-22 (Sanctification in the church) a.5:12-15 (church leadership) b.5:16-22 (the priorities of church life) 5.5:23-24 (Benediction/prayer for sanctification) C.The structure of our text
II.Recognizing church leadership (5:12-13) A.Important background 1.Formal leadership has not yet been recognized in Thessalonica. 2.Acts 14:23 – appointing elders in every city 3.1 Timothy (especially chapter 3) 4.Titus (especially chapter 1) B.Who is “you?” The congregation C.Who is “them?” Those functioning as leaders, who ought to be formally recognized as such 1.Not women (masculine participles) 2.Not clergy 3.Not singularity, but plurality
D.Who are “acknowledged” or “recognized?” 1.Elders and deacons? (not designated) 2.Those who are already functioning as leaders; those who (present participles)... a.Labor / work hard among you (like Paul); see also 1 Timothy 5:17 b.Lead (go before/not “preside over”) you c.Admonish (warn) you 3.[Those who meet the qualifications (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1)] E.How are leaders “acknowledged?” D.We should be informed by Paul’s silence – no specific method set forth (here or elsewhere). E.Parallel passage: 1 Corinthians 16:15-18 (Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus)
F.How leaders are “acknowledged” at CBC 1.In the beginning: “Provisional leaders” 2.In the present G.The relationship of elders and CBC 1.No “deacon board” 2.Very similar qualifications in 1 Timothy 3 3.Same ministry (shepherding), but at different levels of leadership 4.Deacons assist the elders in shepherding the flock. 5.Ministry group leaders are deacons at CBC. H.Other matters (verse 13) 1.Esteem them highly in love for their work 2.Live in peace among yourselves
III.A call for additional leadership (5:14-15) A.Who is “you?” 1.Some (like A.T. Robertson) believe this refers to those who are leaders. 2.Why I think “you” refers to the congregation: a.“Ask” (verse 12) and “urge” (verse 14) are different words; “you brethren” is the same. b.Same antecedent for “you” unless clearly changed c.The functions Paul encourages are not just elder or deacon functions (Romans 15:14; Colossians 3:16) d.Ephesians 4:11-13: The work of ministry is the work of the body
B.A call for leadership from within the congregation (verse 14). 1.Admonish/warn the undisciplined/idle/lazy 2.Comfort/console the discouraged/fainthearted 3.Help/cling to the weak/helpless 4.Be patient toward all C.Other matters (vs. 15) 1.See that no one repays evil for evil 2.Always seek the good of others
IV.Conclusion/Application A.Elders, deacons, church body: 3 levels of leadership B.Spiritual leadership and New Testament ecclesiology – nothing works better to produce leadership (e.g. The Meeting of the Church) C.Ministry is the work of the body. D.A job description for everyone – Your work is cut out for you. E.The Second Coming and Sanctification: The wait means “get off the bench” and step up to the plate. This is what we are to be found doing at His return (Luke 12:41-44).
Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. This is the edited PowerPoint presentation of Lesson 8 in the series, Paul’s Epistles to the Thessalonians, prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh for August 15, Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit.