The Future of Accelerator R&D at Fermilab Steve Holmes Accelerator Physics & Technology Seminar January 30, 2007
Page 2 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Outline Strategic Framework R&D Program Goals –The Energy Frontier –Neutrinos R&D Program Status The Accelerator Physics Center
Page 3 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Strategic Framework: The Present Reality Fermilab has operated the highest energy particle accelerator in the world since –Current plan: Tevatron operations will cease on October 1, 2009
Page 4 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Strategic Framework: The Present Reality Fermilab currently operates the most advanced long-baseline neutrino program in the world... –J-PARC will become competitive in To SuperKamiokande: GeV
Page 5 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Strategic Context The Vision ( Fermilab will remain the U.S. center for accelerator-based High Energy Physics, and a pre-eminent center internationally, for the foreseeable future. Major program elements are: –Energy Frontier –Neutrinos ILC is established as the primary goal; in parallel with strong participation in LHC and a world-leading neutrino program whose scope can be adjusted depending upon the fate of the ILC. A greater focus on longer term R&D is a key responsibility of the laboratory in the new era. Supporting this vision requires a reorientation of the mission of the accelerator organization at Fermilab to provide enhanced support of accelerator R&D aimed at the future beyond Run II.
Page 6 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Goals Energy Frontier ILC: Work with the international community to prepare for ILC construction in the decade of 2011 –Establish Fermilab as the preferred location of ILC –Complete the Engineering Design Report by end of this decade –Complete the accompanying R&D and industrialization programs LHC: Assist in successful commissioning and develop technologies that could support the LHC luminosity upgrade –Under the aegis of the LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) Muon Collider: Develop concepts/technologies that could enable a multi-TeV lepton collider as a long-term follow on to the ILC –Newly proposed program based on recent conceptual advances in cooling –In collaboration with the national Muon Collaboration
Page 7 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Goals Neutrinos Neutrino SuperBeams: Develop the Fermilab accelerator complex to maintain a world leading neutrino program. –Build towards a 1 MW capability based on modification of accelerator assets freed up after completion of Run II –Parallel R&D effort on high intensity proton accelerators Multi-MW proton facility with application either to neutrino superbeams, or a muon storage ring based neutrino factory or collider Neutrino Factory: In collaboration with international partners pursue R&D aimed at establishing a viable design concept, and critical technology demonstrations, by the end of the decade –Next generation design study and associated technology development –Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
Page 8 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Goals Advanced Accelerator R&D Closeout the A0 facility following completion of the final student thesis (fall 2007?) Work with the ILC organization and the local universities and ANL to establish a forefront AARD program utilizing the NML_ILC facility at the end of the decade AARD elsewhere: Identify, and pursue as appropriate, experimental and theoretical AARD efforts with outside collaborators and at outside facilities.
Page 9 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Goals Timeframes
Page 10 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Status Energy Frontier LHC/LARP –Hardware commissioning underway, preparations for beam commissioning well advanced –Magnet program goal is to “demonstrate by 2009 that Nb 3 Sn magnets are a viable choice for an LHC IR upgrade” Initial goal: 4m x 90 mm x 200 T/m magnets by end of 2009 Short magnet performance (almost) 200 T/m x 1m x 90 mm –LAFS: Fermilab collaboration with CERN on software support of beam commissioning (with and LARP) –Examining possible program expansions, esp. in out years and involving university collaborations –Possible role in development of pre-production prototypes and/or production magnets for an LHC upgrade (post-LARP)
Page 11 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Status Energy Frontier ILC –Rapid buildup in resources with effort concentrated on the Main Linac (SCRF) and civil facilities –Leadership roles the RDR and associated cost estimate –Working to establish an organization requisite support for the EDR Muon Collider –Possible route to multi-TeV leptons –New concepts have emerged over the last few years that warrant a new look at the MC and associated cooling schemes (e.g. helical cooling channels) –Task Force has proposed a multi-year R&D program aimed at 1.5 TeV or beyond collider –Strong synergies with Neutrino Factory and HINS programs
Page 12 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Status Neutrinos Proton Development Plan –Proton Plan I underway Goal: 320 kW in parallel with antiproton production for Run II –Proton Plan II in advanced planning/initial funding Now integrated into Nova per direction from DOE Conversion of the Recycler to proton accumulation Goal: 700 kW in post Run II era –Super NuMI in conceptual design stage Utilization of the Accumulator for proton momentum stacking Goal: 1200 kW in post Run II era High Intensity Neutrino Source –Concentrating on development and demonstration of key technologies for efficient acceleration of high intensity H - beams –Meson facility descoped to 60 MeV following May AAC meeting Goal: 60 MeV facility demonstrating multiple spoke resonators driven by single rf source in 2010
Page 13 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Status Meson Building Floor Plan 90 MeV Linac Klystron and Modulator Area RF Component Test Facility Cavity Test Cave 200 ft. Ion Source and RFQ Area 60 X
Page 14 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Status Neutrinos/Computing Neutrino Factory –Work conducted via the U.S. Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Collaboration, which is overseen jointly by BNL, Fermilab, and LBNL Primary goals are development of a complete design concept early in the next decade supported by a demonstration of cooling technique (MICE) –Fermilab emphasis is on both conceptual and technology development for muon cooling MuCool Test Area currently operating with cryogenics but without beam Plan to install beamline in 2007 Development of modeling tools under the SciDAC program –Emphasis on beam dynamics associated with high intensity beams: space-charge and beam-beam interaction –SciDAC II will have strong component in support of ILC issues
Page 15 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f R&D Program Status AARD What is the role of non-programmatic, aka advanced accelerator, R&D in the Fermilab program? –Not a traditional strength or point of emphasis within the laboratory –Fermilab’s primary mission is operations and will remain so for decades; generally translates into emphasis on near/intermediate term –However, as the center of U.S. accelerator-based HEP at the end of the decade we retain a responsibility to invest effort in the longer term. “Discretionary” R&D is important for maintaining flexibility for the future. These areas often provide the best opportunities for the training of students and other staff. Plan to migrate the AARD program from A0 to the NML_ILC Test Area. –Short term solution requires independent ILC gun –Longer term requires a building expansion.
Page 16 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Possible Configurations at NML ILC/AARD
Page 17 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f NML AARD Workshop 11/28/06 Organized by P.Piot and S.Nagaitsev; sessions chaired by K.J.Kim (ANL), J.Delayen (TJNAF), A.Mikhailichenko (Cornell) Among very attractive proposals: – ILC crab-cavity test (low-energy beam 50 MeV) – ILC e+ SC undulator test ( MeV) –“ILC “keep alive” e+ source test (>500MeV, space!) –DR for Optical Stochastic Cooling experiment 4x7 m 250 MeV DR: Cornell, MIT, LBNL, FNAL, Universities importance for HEP: LHC, Muon Collider, RHIC –upto 1GeV/m in DLA structure (small beam size) –plasma wakefield with witness bunch –ultra-bright X-ray source (3000 bunches) –new diagn (optical replica, ODR), swept laser accel., etc
Page 18 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Resources Following the $$ The message: –Significant redirection of resources into the intermediate term (primarily ILC and associated SRF infrastructure)
Page 19 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center The FRA proposal for the Fermilab operating contract included creation of an Accelerator Physics Center: –“It will contain FNAL’s advanced accelerator R&D efforts, it will serve the accelerator physics needs of R&D programs such as the ILC, and it will aid in solving complex issues associated with operating accelerators…” So … what’s the problem we are trying to solve? –Accelerator Division has great strength in accelerator physics, design, construction, and operations. –Historically we have had difficulty executing R&D programs aimed at the long term in AD. Operational demands tend to trump everything else. –Technical Division has great abilities in technical R&D, but it does not have expertise in accelerator physics and operations. Fermilab’s current situation demands that we establish a better mechanism for getting more accelerator scientists and engineers involved in R&D aimed at the long term future.
Page 20 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center Goals Provide enhanced emphasis on, and support of, accelerator R&D activities aimed at Fermilab’s future beyond the current decade. Provide both a physical location and an organizational structure that can accommodate accelerator scientists and engineers, either from Fermilab or outside institutions. Contribute to the improved performance of the existing accelerator complex, and the development of new technologies and accelerator concepts that could enable new forefront facilities beyond the current decade. Educate upcoming generations of accelerator scientists and engineers. Not an isolated enclave disconnected from ongoing accelerator activities; a structured home where all interested staff can participate in future oriented R&D.
Page 21 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center Mission Coordinate and conduct accelerator R&D aimed at next- generation and beyond accelerator facilities; Provide accelerator physics support for existing operational programs and the evolution thereof; Train accelerator scientists and engineers; Provide leadership and coordination in establishing the necessary experimental programs for a broad range of accelerator R&D that can be accessed by both Fermilab staff and the world HEP community. Expect very strong connection, and free flow of ideas and people, between APC, AD, TD, CD, and PPD
Page 22 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center Organization (provisional) Accelerator Physics Center Theory, Design, and Modeling Experimental Facilities Education … ILC Beam Physics Theory & Modeling LHC Accel. Syst. Energy Deposition Experimental AARD HINS R&D Muons R&D Accelerator PhD USPAS Summer Program Peoples Fellows University Consortium
Page 23 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center Responsibilities and Authorities The APC is responsible for coordinating and/or providing support for accelerator R&D at Fermilab including activities aimed at –Improvements to the existing complex, –Next-generation accelerator facilities, and –Advanced accelerator R&D aimed at the long term future. The APC collaborates with all the divisions, and the ILC Program Office, in a mutually supportive manner. –In some areas the APC is a provider of support, in other areas it’s a receiver
Page 24 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center Responsibilities and Authorities Accelerator physics support for Run II, Proton Plan, and SNuMI (S); Simulations, design support, and beam physics experiments for ILC (S); Development of instruments for, and coordination of participation in, commissioning, beam studies, operations, and upgrades at the LHC (P); High Intensity Neutrino Source conceptual design and accelerator physics, including design and development of the experimental program at the Meson test facility (P); Muon Collider and Neutrino Factory R&D, including design and development of experiments and test facilities (P); Specific programs that will initially be organized and managed by the APC, in either a primary (P) or supporting (S) role, include:
Page 25 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f The Accelerator Physics Center Responsibilities and Authorities (cont.) Development of generic theoretical and simulation tools for advanced accelerator calculations in areas of energy deposition, beam-beam and space-charge effects, linac emittance evolution, etc. (P, w/CD); Designing and coordinating programs of advanced accelerator R&D at the NML facility and possibly elsewhere (P); Accelerator theory and education (P): –Host the USPAS Office, –Accelerator PhD program, –Peoples Fellows, and –Other accelerator education initiatives
Page 26 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f The Accelerator Physics Center Implementation The APC is imagined as being comprised initially of a core of directly assigned persons, derived primarily from the existing AD/ Accelerator Physics Department and augmented by significant numbers of participating staff from AD, TD, PPD, and CD. –The organization chart(s) will show both direct and joint assignments –~30-40 direct assignments initially; expected to grow as Run II ends –It is anticipated that there will be a flow of persons both into and out of APC as scientific and engineering assignments change, and/or the laboratory launches new accelerator construction projects The APC is not imagined as having direct operational responsibilities for beam-based test facilities—these are expected to be the responsibility of AD. –In the event that an R&D program evolves into a full-fledged facility construction project, responsibility for the project will be retained by AD (or the ILC organization).
Page 27 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f The Accelerator Physics Center Implementation The APC will retain responsibility for coordination of inter- institutional collaborations in support of its mission. In particular, the APC will work closely with the Argonne Accelerator Institute to coordinate mutual undertakings in accelerator research.
Page 28 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center Relationship to the Divisions The APC will report to the Associate Director for Accelerators. –Along with the Accelerator and Technical Divisions the APC comprises the Accelerator Organization at Fermilab. The goal is a collaborative and efficient organization with minimal barriers to interfere with pursuit of common goals. An important role of the APC is to provide support to the ILC Program at Fermilab. It does this via the ILC Program Office in the same manner as AD and TD do at present. APC will assume direct responsibility for management and coordination of advanced accelerator R&D programs as described above. –Both the AD and TD will provide engineering and technical support for APC, and AD and TD staff will participate in APC activities.
Page 29 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center Relationship to the Divisions AD will retain responsibility for systems integration, and the operations and maintenance of all beam based accelerator facilities necessary to carry out the R&D program. Likewise, AD will retain responsibility for operations and improvements to the accelerator facilities, and construction of new accelerator facilities in support of the Fermilab research program. –APC will provide support to AD in the execution of these responsibilities. TD will retain the primary responsibility for developing the technology base for future accelerators and for providing support on major technical components required for ongoing operations and improvements to the existing complex.
Page 30 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center FAQs Who will lead it? –Vladimir Shiltsev has agreed to serve as the initial head When will it start? –Spring How can I get in? –The initial complement of both direct and joint assignments is being discussed by Vladimir with the division heads. –While management tends to believe we understand many/most peoples’ aspirations, it does not hurt to make your feelings known! How do I propose to do something? –Talk with Vladimir
Page 31 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Accelerator Physics Center FAQs What is the long term commitment of the lab for support of AARD? –We feel we need to grow the program. A reasonable level of support for long term R&D (in my opinion) would be ~5% of the laboratory budget. –However, an essential goal of APC is to generate AARD proposals that can successfully compete for funding within the national program. –We recognize the need for seed money to support competitive proposals. –We will start with the relocated photoinjector and Muon Collider programs.
Page 32 Accelerator Seminar, 1/30/07 – S. Holmes f Summary The long term Fermilab future is built on leadership in accelerator based programs at the energy frontier and in neutrino physics. –The laboratory needs to organize its effort in a manner that recognizes multiple time frames and possible branch points. Independent of the specific manner in which the future plays out, we require greater resources and focus on accelerator R&D. –The laboratory needs to be organized in a manner that allows success in both our operations and R&D programs aimed at the future. –Programs need to be integrated to provide most effective execution and give people identifiable career paths post-Run II. –Collaborative efforts are an essential ingredient A very significant buildup in resources has already started. APC is being created to support this approach.