Welcome parents and students to the third grade year. We always look forward to each year with anticipation and excitement. We hope that the children will come prepared with a mind to work, ready to tackle the challenges that third grade has to offer. Success is sure to be the foundation for this year when the students bring the following with them DAILY: 1)RESPECT for themselves, their peers, and their teachers; 2) the knowledge that I am RESPONSIBLE for my things, my actions, and my work; and 3) the understanding that I am to follow school and classroom RULES.
Our Typical Day… 7:30-8:00Morning Work 8:00-8:45Electives 8:45-10:15Reading Block 10:15-10:40Language Arts 10:40-10:55Recess 11:05-11:35Lunch 11:35-12:40Math 12:45-1:15PE 1:15-2:25Science/Social Studies
School Information Morning Arrival 7:10 Car Riders unload 7:15 Bus Riders unload After 7:39 students must be signed in at front lobby Afternoon Dismissal 2:25
School Information Visitors- ALL visitors must sign in at front desk and wear a badge. Please use main entrance only. Car Riders- Car rider numbers are available tonight in the lunchroom. Truancy Policy- Copies are available in the Code of Conduct.
Lunchroom School Messenger will be contacting parents of students whose balances are in the negative. Cost for meals is the same this year. Milk is now 70 cents.
Attendance When a child is absent, please send a written excuse within three days of the students return to school. The absence will be marked unexcused unless an excuse is received within a 3 day period. Please see the MES handbook for more information.
Make Up Work Make up work will only be given to students with excused absences. This is to be completed and turned in within 3 days of returning to school.
Communication Each student will receive a yellow communicator folder. This will be brought home every day. Please make sure to check this folder daily; it will contain any important announcements and notes from school. Your child is expected to return the folder to school everyday.
Newsletters A weekly newsletter will be e- mailed out to parents with information on whats going on in the classroom. Please provide a working address to your childs teacher. The newsletter will also be available to view on the class website.
Grading Procedures Tests 50% Unit and chapter tests, quizzes, etc. Daily50% Class work, participation, homework, etc.
Grading Scale A B80-89 C70-79 D60-69 FBelow 60
Homework Homework will be given 2-3 times a week. Students are responsible for copying down the assignments in their planners. Take home projects will also be given during the year. Points may be deducted for late or incomplete work.
Incomplete Assignments Students who do not complete class work or homework may be sent to detention during recess to finish assignments.
Graded Papers Graded papers will be sent home weekly. If papers are in need of a signature (example- grade received was below a 70) they will be marked appropriately. If papers are not returned a phone call home will be made.
Progress Reports and Report Cards Progress Reports Every student will receive a 3 week report and a 6 week report Report Cards Every 9 week grading period
Celebrations 2 classroom celebrations End of Year Party Holiday Party Birthday A treat may be brought in during lunch only. Items must be store bought. No balloons or party favors please.
Principals Club Third grade students may participate in MES Principals Club celebrations throughout the year. Principals Club is a reward for students who exhibit outstanding character traits. Please check the MES Handbook for more information.
Conferences Conferences will be scheduled by the teacher on an as needed basis. If you have any concerns, please contact your childs teacher by phone or . The teacher will respond as quickly as possible to set up a time to meet.
Accelerated Reading Each student will be given an AR goal for each 9 week period. The goal is for the number of AR points they should accumulate. The goal will be based on the students reading level. There will be rewards given for reaching certain levels of the goal.
Discipline School Wide Rules Follow all directions. Be polite and respectful to everyone. Keep all areas neat and clean. Come prepared for class. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Behavior Policy Consequences for not following school and classroom rules could include the following: missed time in special activities, silent/working lunch, phone call or note home, see administrator. Rewards could include homework passes, candy, or small treats.
After School Activities Clubs Lego Club Spanish Club Art Club Running Crew Chess Club Science Club After School Care
Coming Soon… DIBELS testing- August Multiplication in 7 Days- End of August Cursive Writing AR Goals- READ, READ, READ!
Dont forget! You may take your childs folder home tonight to begin filling out forms. Please return this on the first day of school. Thank you for coming!
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