Study Skills
What is the best way to prepare for class? Be on time. Be prepared-take your textbook & binder w/class notes to every class. Complete the assigned reading prior to class; this will help you understand the notes.
Tips for Taking Notes at School Write on only one side of the paper. Use abbreviations that you can still make sense of later. ex. for example @ for about or at u for you Other examples……….
Listen for clues Teachers often repeat important points. Teachers often say important points slowly.
What should I be looking for when I read assignments?
Answer the 6 basic questions Who? What? When? Why? Where? How?
How do I know what information is important? Read the questions at the end of the chapter FIRST. Pay attention to BOLD WORDS. Summarize the material in your own words.
Reviewing for a test Have a review session with a friend Ask your parent to quiz you over key points Condense information - get the essential information on to 1 sheet of paper or onto a note card
Remember…. Take a few minutes everyday to organize your binder. Read through your class notes. Use your agenda spiral to double-check for homework.
Study hints to try… Work 15-20 minutes; then take a 5 minute break Work 3-4 math problems; then take a 5 minute break Study 3-5 spelling/vocabulary words; then take a 5 min. break Have a “study buddy”-exchange phone numbers
Now you’re on your way to becoming a….. Stellar Student