Making the most of your training opportunities Dr Musa Sami, ST5, General Adult Psychiatry
Objectives: To discuss a strategy for developing a PDP To discuss different types of training opportunities you should be considering To give you a chance to formulate a provisional PDP
Your PDP Personal Development Plan: SMART goals – Specific – Measurable – Achievable – Realistic – Timed (Doran, 1981)
Discuss with the person sitting next to you………………… 3-4 ways in which you will maximise the most of your training opportunity over the next year (2 minutes)
What goals should I have? Exams SI reports Management Research Audit Teaching Publications Posters ‘CV building’ Ward Rounds Clinics Being trainee representative
4 overarching categories Clinical Education Research Leadership How will I achieve each one?
Clinical Most important – On call / out of hours – ‘In hours’/ routine work – Special Interest (for HSTs) – What are my goals? – How does this contribute towards my training – Engage with the psychiatric literature on the topic (review papers, speciality textbook/handbook)
Clinical Psychological Therapies Electroconvulsive Therapy – What are my goals? – How does this contribute towards my training – Engage with the psychiatric literature on the topic (review papers, speciality textbook/handbook)
Education Seek out opportunities from DMEs, Clinical Tutors, Consultants and Multidisciplinary team Wealth of opportunity: Higher Specialist Training: Organising Calman Days Core Trainee lecture based teaching and Mock CASC teaching Teaching medical students (SGUL, BSMS, KCL and others) at clinic and OSCEs Multi-professional and multidisciplinary teaching
Education Principles Plan the session …. Make sure you get feedback …. Put in portfolio Act on it!
Research & Audit Know the difference between the two! Choose and audit that changes practice Close the cycle
Research Research: Introduce yourself to research lead within the trust Attend Trust research forums Identify & Recruit patients to ongoing trials Find a research mentor – Systematic Reviews – Ongoing trials & data analysis – (Ethics) – (Grant Applications) Apply research finds to practice – Gain skills in literature review – book into see your librarian – Attend your local Journal Club
Leadership Think about the difference between Leadership and Management Having a strategic vision and being able to take people with you to deliver a project A well done Audit or Quality improvement project can demonstrate key leadership skills Higher Training think about a formal Leadership role/shadowing opportunities
Summary Plan how to make the most of your training using PDP and formulating SMART goals Formulate goals in the following categories: Clinical, Education, Research & Audit and Leadership Be proactive in seeking out opportunity!