Mathematics Subject Leader Meeting October 2012
Talk about what you have done as a result of the previous subject leader session Olympics – was it a mathematical Olympics in your school? A real opportunity to reinforce maths across the curriculum Calculation – have you reviewed you policy on written methods of calculation? Division and fractions – did you open up THAT can of worms? containing the draft New National Curriculum and the Made to Measure Ofsted report
Agenda What’s maths like in my school? How do we know? Assessment information, pupil tracking Teaching and learning, performance management, Ofsted inspection Identifying priorities What are we doing about it? Action planning – what and why Made to Measure report, provision mapping Subject knowledge, support for teaching, EY curriculum, CPD
Agenda (2) How will we know the impact of what we’re doing? Monitoring progress of actions Provision mapping and expected outcomes Learning walks – what are and how are they used? Book trawls, planning review, lesson observations, pupil discussions, teacher discussions, pupil progress meetings CPD – impact of CPD on teaching and learning Sharing what works well Evaluating – teachers, pupils, teaching assistants, parents What will we continue with, what will we do differently and what will we stop doing
EYFS 2012 PSRN 6+ in PSRN National B:G Worcs 77% 80:100 77%
EYFS 2012 PSRN Numbers as labels and counting CalculatingShape, space and measures Worcs %4pts %6pts %8pts
National conversion data 2012 L2+ to L4+89% L2c to L4+68%L2c to L3 29% L2c to L4 62% L2c to L5 6% L2b to L3 9% L2b to L4+91% L2a to L4+99% L3 to L5+88% L1 to L3+80%
KS L2+ Maths L2b+ Maths L3 Maths APS Worcs B:G 91% 90:92 78% 77:79 24% 26: :16.1 National B:G 91% 89:92 76% 75:78 22% 24: :16
Provisional data 2012 KS2 L4+ Maths L5+ Maths L6 Maths 2 LP Maths L4+ En and Maths L5+ En and Maths 2 LP En and Maths Worcs B:G 81% 82:80 38% 42:35 4% 5:2 85%77% 75:78 27% 27:28 77% 75:78 Nation al B:G 84% (inc of 4ppts) 84:84 39% 42:36 3% 4:2 87% (inc of 5ppts) 80% 77:82 27% 25:29 79% 77:81
Venn (reading, writing and maths) RWM L4+ RWM L5+ Worcs B:G 72% 69:75 20% 17:23 National B:G 75% 71:79 20% 17:23
Review action plans and provision maps How does your school action plan, maths action plan and provision mapping align? Will your action plan provide you and inspectors with the necessary information about maths in your school? How can you use your provision mapping to ensure that the right children receive the right support that will make a difference? What help and support might you need?
How will I know that actions have made a difference? Monitoring for Compliance Improvement /making a difference Impact of CPD (external support, TED days, staff meetings, lesson study etc) Impact of feedback from monitoring activities – have things changed and what difference does this have on learning and teaching for all children? Evaluation of process and actions – did you get it right? What would you do differently?