AP Seminar Schedule 10/13 Objective: to determine the lenses and perspectives addressed in a given author’s writing, and to evaluate his/her arguments Essential Question (EQ): How do we treat disease and diseased persons? Walk through Hippocratic Writings Excerpts in preparation for Valier’s talk this afternoon NOTES: Check for pronoun confusion and DO NOT use passive verbs Reminders: Start Reading WWZ for discussion on Mon. 10/27 (per schedule revisions) ● Come to the guest lecture in Whitrock’s room (E232) at 3:30
AP Seminar Schedule 10/14 Objective: to determine the lenses and perspectives addressed in a given author’s writing, and to evaluate his/her arguments Essential Question (EQ): How do we treat disease and diseased persons? Discuss remaining questions from guest lecture If time remains: discuss lenses and perspectives on the 6 sources we have so far NOTE: Get here as early as possible after lunch tomorrow so that you don’t miss any of the episode! Reminders: Reread the three sources we discussed last week for discussion on Friday 10/17 ● Read WWZ for discussion on Mon. 10/27 (per schedule revisions)
AP Seminar Schedule 10/15 Objective: to determine the lenses and perspectives addressed in a given author’s writing, and to evaluate his/her arguments Essential Question (EQ): How do we treat disease and diseased persons? Watch and discuss West Wing episode Reminders: Reread the three sources we discussed last week for discussion on Friday 10/17 ● Read WWZ for discussion on Mon. 10/27 (per schedule revisions)
AP Seminar Schedule 10/17 Objective: to determine the lenses and perspectives addressed in a given author’s writing, and to evaluate his/her arguments Essential Question (EQ): How do we treat disease and diseased persons? Discuss lenses and perspectives within the 7 sources we now have Pass out: Research Question Refinement sheet Develop a research question based upon the 7 sources HW: develop a provisional thesis for an individual research paper based upon the 7 sources your thesis must include references to at least three researchable points in favor of your thesis, some of these may be ethical but they must have concrete reasoning and evidence to back them up Reminders: Develop thesis based on the sources for Monday 10/20 ● Read WWZ for discussion on Mon. 10/27 (per schedule revisions)