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WHAT WILL WE BE COVERING… The purpose a teacher has to know the students background The types of files that should be reviewed by the adapted physical educator Determining placement & continuing programming Maintenance of records throughout the educational career
CENTRAL FILES Information held by the Special Education Department May include: Developmental history Vision & Hearing screening IEP Protocol File Doctor File
HEALTH-RELATED RECORDS Essential information for the APE to know: Chronic illness Acute illness Mild illness Sensory impairments Physical impairments Persistence of reflexes or contraindicators to activity Written permission from parent/guardian to contract medical personnel in case of emergency Phone numbers Medications, including dosages and their purposes
PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING: Medical diagnosis Condition’s severity Prognosis Psychological evaluations Symptoms or characteristics with potential for impact in APE settings Past & current courses of treatment Recommended & restricted activities (source/rationale)
PSYCHOLOGICAL Records on file may give an APE insight on how the student learns and follows instruction Use in designing instructional strategies
SCHOOL FILES Cumulative School Files typically include: Name, address, family status IEP Consent for placement Current psychological assessment Copies of classroom modifications Release of neuropsychological assessments Due process forms
INSIGHTS (PARENTS & GUARDIANS) Family history Birth history Physical & Health history Social interaction & play development School history
INSIGHTS (SCHOOL OR AGENCY PERSONNEL) Classroom teachers Speech Therapists Physical Educators School Nurse Check for patterns that may have developed
INSIGHTS (THE CHILD) Likes & Dislikes Activities they have participated in before Activities that are easy Activities that are difficult Communication & developmental status
*ASSESSMENT PROCESS All professionals should use data they gather in a cooperative way and not become too territorial. Use each other to increase how to benefit the student. Specialists (pg. 34)
K-12 RECORDS Physical education departments communication Tracking testing every year Pre & Post Tests Progression
FOR THE P.E. TEACHER… Having a distinct area where you keep files for adapted PE students is essential I use an entire drawer in my desk to file all of the information I gather on students with IDP’s Each student has their own labeled file Each file contains their IEP, Fitnessgram test resutls, notes from the special education department, parents, and former PE teachers. When teachers come through the public education system, it is so important that the entire department communicates ability levels and pass along records. My department actually passes on all Fitnessgram testing from year to year to track progression over the years. We have found that keeping track of the records motivates students to improve and push themselves to do better than the year before.
TEST SAMPLES Adapted PE Assessment Tools - PE Central