At the conclusion of this workshop you will have ideas on… how to conduct student led conferences how student led conferences motivate students to take responsibility for their own learning how to increase parent participation how to market the school how vision plays a role in academic achievement
Everyone is a Winner Have you experienced student motivation problems this year? Are you interested in students taking a more active role in their learning? Would you like students to take more ownership for their work? Are you concerned about students behavior and lack of physical activity at home?
Student led conferences could help you put students on “center stage” and take more responsibility for their academic achievement, self-discipline, and physical well-being.
PHILOSOPHY Student led conferences reflect the belief that students should be actively involved in their learning and assume responsibility for the learning process. Through student led conference, students become more motivated, reflective and evaluative. They also become more critical in their approach to learning.
PURPOSE Students accept responsibility for learning and become more aware of the learning process. They report academic growth to parents and progress toward becoming life long learners.
POWER Student led conferences… Encourage students to take an active role in their learning Motivate students to take more ownership for their work Allow students to see their progress over time Encourage students to evaluate their work
POWER Student led conferences… Encourage students, parents and teachers to openly communicate as equal partners about student achievement Enhance students’ oral communication skills Build students’ self-confidence Build relationships
POWER Student led conferences… Increase parent participation in conferences Move students toward goal of being life long learners Focus discussion on priority standards and their accomplishment Showcase student work Encourage students, parents and teachers to engage in open, honest, dialogue
POWER Student led conferences… Press students to have a vision for their future Utilize students strengths, interests, and hobbies to garner higher student achievement Facilitate the development of students oral communication skills Encourage self-efficacy
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Begin the year with a student goal setting conference. Prepare samples of students work to show evidence of growth and goal progress (portfolio). Notify parents well in advance of the conferences. Provide opportunities for students to practice
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Begin the year with a student goal setting conference. Identify strengths and challenges based upon data… Student Interest Inventory Parent Questionnaire Student Achievement Data
Student Achievement Data NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Student Achievement Data Illinois -- ISAT Criterion-referenced tests (CRT) Test of Cognitive Skills (TCS) Performance Indicator Classroom assessment and performance Classroom behavior
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Administer self assessments Team work & cooperation Behavioral self-evaluation Citizenship Organizational skills Responsibility
Student Interest Inventory/Student Attitude Inventory NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Student Interest Inventory/Student Attitude Inventory Are you a good reader? Why or why not? Are you a good writer? Why or why not? Name 3 topics you would like to read or write about. How often do you read for fun? How often do you write for fun?
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Begin the year with a student goal setting conference. Set goals with the grade level priority/power standards in mind… Reading Writing Mathematics Science Social Studies
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Design a plan of action Student responsibilities Teacher responsibilities Parent responsibilities Decide on evidence to be included in portfolio what shows progress toward achieving the goals
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference (2) Prepare samples of students’ work to show evidence of growth and goal progress (portfolio). Include baseline evidence ISAT/ITBS Running records Classroom assessment Writing assessments Students’ Attitude Inventory Have students organize their work with a table of contents.
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference (2) Prepare samples of students’ work to show evidence of growth and goal progress (portfolio). Ask students to explain and reflect upon their choices (Post-Its or note cards) I put this in my portfolio because… I feel good about this piece because… If I did this piece again, I would improve it by…
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference (3) Notify parents will in advance of the conference. Send home a letter explaining the conference format and why it is being used… Why are you having student led conferences? How will the conferences be different? If necessary, when can parents talk to you without the student? When and where will the conference be held?
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference (3) Notify parents will in advance of the conference. Develop parent conferencing questions to guide parents through the process… Reading: What books have you been reading? What book did you enjoy most? Why? What are you reading now? What new words have you learned? Read me a page from the book you are currently reading.
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Parent Questionnaire Letter to parent (see next slide) What are your child’s academic strengths? What subjects are the most difficult for your child? Describe what your child enjoys doing most in his/her spare time. In what clubs or activities does your child participate? Is your child physically active?
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Parent Questionnaire How much time each evening does your child spend… Watching TV? Reading? Completing homework? What 3 words would best describe your son or daughter?
NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference (4) Provide opportunities for students to practice. Model the process Teacher to teacher Teacher to teacher assistant With students, develop a checklist describing student role Organize student to student practice sessions
Conference Checklist for Students NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Conference Checklist for Students Introduce your parent to your teacher Tell your parent about… Your reading goal Your reading log and the books you have read Your reading reflections about what you have read
Conference Checklist for Students NUTS AND BOLTS Before the Conference Conference Checklist for Students Tell your parents about… Our reading rewards program Your vocabulary journal and new words that you have learned ____________________________ Ask your parent if he/she has questions Thank your parent for coming
NUTS AND BOLTS During the Conference Introduction (1 minute) Orientation (2 minutes) Students Achievement Data (5 minutes) Students Goals (3 minutes) Action Plan (5 minutes) Students Work (10 minutes) Debriefing (2 minutes)
Introduction/Orientation NUTS AND BOLTS During the Conference Introduction/Orientation Introduction - Student introduces parent to teacher (1 minute) Orientation - Teacher explains conference procedures (2 minutes)
Student Achievement Data NUTS AND BOLTS During the Conference Student Achievement Data Examining the Data - Teacher shares data that helped student and teacher identify goals (5 minutes)
Student Goals and Action Plan NUTS AND BOLTS During the Conference Student Goals and Action Plan Examining Student Goals - Student shares goals and explains why they were selected (3 minutes). Sharing Action Plan - Student and teacher discuss their responsibilities for parent (5 minutes).
NUTS AND BOLTS Conference Organizer While we look at my work, please notice these things: Math goal ________ Steps I will take to reach goal _____________ How parents can help me reach the goal _____ Plan to monitor progress _______ These are the things I do well ______ These are the things I am working on ______
NUTS AND BOLTS During the Conference Student Work Examining Student Work - Student shows work and reflections from portfolio to demonstrate his/her progress toward achieving goals (10 minutes).
NUTS AND BOLTS During the Conference Debriefing Evaluating the Conference Process - The teacher, parent, and student discuss and comment on the conference process (2 minutes).
NUTS AND BOLTS After the Conference Student sends thank you letter to parent Student completes reflection survey Parent questionnaire/evaluation
Student Reflection Survey NUTS AND BOLTS After the Conference Student Reflection Survey What did you like about the student led conference? How did you feel during the conference? What didn’t you like about the conference? If you could change the conference to make it better, what would you do?
NUTS AND BOLTS After the Conference Parent Questionnaire Which conference (traditional or student led) gave you a better appreciation of… What your child was learning? What your child studied in class? Your child’s study habits such as finishing assignments and handing work in on time?
NUTS AND BOLTS After the Conference Parent Questionnaire Which conference format did you prefer? Why? What are the benefits of student led conferences? What are the disadvantages of student led conferences? What more would you like to learn in the conference?
KEYS TO SUCCESS Students and teachers willing to take risks Teachers willing to step aside Focusing in on student achievement-power standards and their accomplishment Committing time to… Learning Preparing Practicing
CHALLENGES First time jitters Uncertainty of sharing control with students Need to adopt a student-centered philosophy Organizing the logistics of conferences Responding to families who don’t participate Vision of the student for their academics and their future
THE ROLE OF VISION Vision is a dream in action Vision gives direction Vision determines your destination Vision always precedes great performance or action
THE ROLE OF VISION Vision clarifies purpose Vision empowers students beyond known assets -Vision Enables -Vision Empowers -Vision Enhances
THE FUTURE-FOCUSED ROLE IMAGE Unsuccessful students had: Very short horizons Believed their lives were in the hands of fate Had no idea of where they were going academically or personally
THE FUTURE-FOCUSED ROLE IMAGE Successful students had: A vision of their future Goals Believed in their own self-efficacy Saw multiple options in their life
SUMMARY Student benefits: Accountability for their learning Students learn to evaluate their own progress Students gain greater commitment to school work and learning Builds self confidence and self-esteem Encourages student/parent communication Builds communication and critical thinking skills Places responsibility on the student and parent Allows students to become involved Puts students in charge of their learning Time allowed to share and celebrate in learning environment
SUMMARY Parent benefits: Increases the amount of information given to a parent Learn more about their child’s learning and skills An opportunity to help their child set positive goals Active participant in their child’s learning First language communication Eliminates standing in line for a conference Allows for more time in their child’s learning environment to see what the child has worked on over a period of time First hand opportunity to see their child in charge of the learning process
SUMMARY Teacher benefits: Less stress on teachers, very relaxed atmosphere Less confrontational (more positive) Places responsibility on the student and parent Increased parent participation An opportunity to see students in a leadership role