Who will determine the future of the Internet? Government, Big Business, or the Individual. Group C Georgios Raptis Ismaila Ikani Sule Steve McGhee
Role of Governments Governments want to control Internet and they do it as much as possible Reasons: Prevent criminal activities (e.g. child pornography, cyberterrorism, internet fraud) Reduce freedom of speech (e.g. political, religious viewpoints)
Role of Governments (Cont.) Ways of controlling Internet: Influence Internet Service Providers (ISPs) Blocking websites containing “inappropriate” material Even arresting and imprisoning users that publish such material on the web
Role of Governments-Conclusion Governments will always try to control Internet sometimes for good purposes, sometimes not. FINALLY Governments VS Users 0 : 1
Role of Big Business The Internet started out initially as an open source for free exchange of information and ideas for users. Big business began to play a greater role following the commercialization of the Internet. The commercialization of the Internet began sometime in the mid-1990s and seeing prospects of larger profits to be made, companies began paying more attention to the Web and moving their products and services online As a result, these companies began to enforce limits on what users could exchange online so as to protect their copyrighted products and profits. Actions including lawsuits were carried out against people sharing parts or whole products freely online which companies felt violated copyright laws e.g. video clips, mp3s, lyrics to songs. Thus, companies could determine what people could or could not share online to some degree.
Companies like Google.com have also been accused of limiting surfers access to online material in exchange for governments granting them access to lucrative markets in places some countries. In recent times, big cable and DSL operators in the US have been trying to grant more network access to sites who pay more for them, making their sites load faster than others (network neutrality debate) Big businesses like Microsoft also play leading role in determining the ways we connect to and use the Internet with their products (e.g. giving majority of surfers only an Explorer view of the Internet) Most of the technology and sponsorship behind the Internet today, is provided by big business. Ads help provide surfers with free online services and content. Role of Big Business (cont.)
Money means power and Big Business has enough of it today to influence the way the Internet is run. Role of Big Business - Conclusion
Empowerment of the Individual Travel Medicine Web2.0 New Media
Medicine Health Websites – NHSDirect, BBC Telemedicine Internet Health Forums
Travel Rise of Budget Airlines – Cheaper fares, increased competition. Choice of holidays – Specialist Holidays, Independent travellers, etc…..
Web 2.0 YouTube, Blogger, GMail, Firefox, Flickr, Skype, Podcasts, RSS feeds, Glocalisation - “making global information available to local social contexts”
Martini Media Anytime, anyplace, anywhere…… BBC iMP Digital Downloads
The Individual Increased choice Lower prices Better service Ability to choose what THEY want…..