WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF Claudine Colnard, Ronald Bruijn, Eleonora Presani, Siemen Meester, Paul Kooijman (presented by Maarten de Jong) NIKHEF, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF SIRENE was recently presented at the ECRS 2006 Symposium in Lisbon, 5-8 th September. Paper proposed for proceedings: Claudine Colnard, “SIRENE: A new detector simulation package for high energy neutrino telescopes” SIRENE is a flexible detector simulation program for kilometer scale neutrino telescopes with PMTs as photo-sensors. SIRENE is primarily designed for use with the KM3NeT detector. It is being tested with ANTARES SIRENE simulates light produced by muons and secondary particles traveling through water and the subsequent conversion of their photon field into a PMT hit probability. SIRENE is designed as a library of C++ classes: different telescope geometries, different PMT configurations inside the optical modules can be easily implemented. NEWS What is SIRENE
WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF TELESCOPE = Vector PHOTON Wavelength Time derived from MODULE HIT = Vector ROTATION PMT Type Surface Quantum efficiency Transition Time Transition Time Spread Amplitude Spread PMT EXTEND MEDIUM Scattering Length Scattering angle Index of refraction ANTARES WATER ABSTRACT MODULE = Vector IDENTIFIER SOURCE MUON Water properties EM SHOWER Time Energy Water properties TRACK Initial time Initial energy Initial speed Length POSITION x, y, z DIRECTION GEOMETRY
WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF TELESCOPE = Vector derived from ROTATION PMT Type Surface Quantum efficiency Transition Time Transition Time Spread Amplitude Spread PMT EXTEND ABSTRACT MODULE = Vector IDENTIFIER POSITION x, y, z DIRECTION GEOMETRY PMT positioned inside module Module is a set of PMTs Telescope is a set of modules A virtual sphere around a physical module
WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF MODULE HIT = Vector PHOTON Wavelength Time derived from MEDIUM Scattering Length Scattering angle Index of refraction ANTARES WATER SOURCE MUON Water properties TRACK Initial time Initial energy Initial speed Length GEOMETRY Different light sources EM SHOWER Time Energy Water properties Different media and scattering models Photons at the module
WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF CLASSES TO BUILD A TELESCOPE TELESCOPE Consists of positioned virtual spheres, called Abstract Modules. ABSTRACT MODULE A virtual sphere big enough to contain the physical module. Currently photons are tracked to the surface of this abstract module only. An algorithm for propagation to the PMTs inside the abstract module is under development. MODULE Consists of one or more positioned PMTs; the PMTs need not to be physically in the same container. PMT EXTEND Gives an orientation and a position to the PMTs inside the module. PMT Defines a Photo-multiplier.
WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF CLASSES FOR THE TRACKING OF THE PARTICLES SOURCE Type of light source. Currently implemented: Muons and Electro-magnetic (EM) showers have been implemented. New sources can be easily added. EMSHOWER Produced by Bremsstrahlung photons from muons. All its energy deposited in a short distance and it is considered point-like. TRACK Particle track. MUON Characterized by straight tracks losing energy and emitting Cherenkov light. Stochastic losses which produce independent electromagnetic showers are implemented. MODULE HIT An Abstract Module with the list of photons that hit the corresponding virtual sphere PHOTON Cherenkov photon
WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF CLASSES FOR THE SCATTERING OF THE PARTICLES MEDIUM Properties which allow to inclusion of the effect of the detection medium (sea water, ice, etc.) on light propagation. ANTARES WATER Water properties and scattering model at the ANTARES Telescope’s site. New classes for the properties of the detection medium around different neutrino telescopes can be easily added.
WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF Development time line: Based on Fortran program (Paul Kooijman) Dec 2005: First C++ classes (Claudine Colnard, Ronald Bruijn) Aug 2006: Use of STL C++ Library (Claudine Colnard) Sep 2006: I/O interface with the ANTARES event format (Claudine Colnard) Current developments: Nov 2006: Interface with the ANTARES trigger (Claudine Colnard) Nov 2006: Auxiliary program for generation telescope and module geometries (Eleonora Presani, Siemen Meester) Dec 2006: GUI for generation geometries (Siemen Meester) Dec 2006: First release of SIRENE for use with KM3NeT expected
WP2 meeting, Oct 2006, CPPM Claudine Colnard - NIKHEF New SIRENE team: Eleonora Presani (PhD), Siemen Meester (Masterstudent) Photon tracking inside an abstract module to the PMT Comparison with KM3 using ANTARES geometry and readout electronics Multiple readout options: photonics, PMT ToT, FPGA Interface with CAD/CAM Installation wizzard …..