Draughton 21 st May 2015 Ian Marr Project Manager SFNY/NYCC FUNDED BY
SFNY Vision Access to high-quality broadband for 100% of North Yorkshire premises by 2017
The Challenge Before SFNY, 17% of premises got less than 2Mbps Average speed across North Yorkshire of 4Mbps Superfast broadband, at least 25Mbps, about to be delivered to approximately 50% of North Yorkshire by BT/Virgin commercially
Premises in North Yorkshire and City of York Commercial BT Virgin Total Commercial % BT Phase 1 Contract >25Mbps At least 2Mbps_44788 Total Intervention Area % Total Premises379757
BT Rollout – Phase 1 Key contract terms (Intervention Area) 77% access to min 25Mbps (= Superfast) Completion by October 2014 USC minimum 2Mbps £26.5m (BDUK £17.8m, ERDF £8.7m) Mostly FTTC Some FTTP (3%) Intervention + Commercial = c.90% (now estimated at 86%)
The basics - FTTC Fibre to the Cabinet
The basics - FTTP Fibre to the Premises
BT Rollout – Phase 1 Headlines Completed 695 cabinets premises >25+Mbps But coverage not uniform, By urban/rural By District By Constituency
North Yorkshire
Phase 1 and Commercial Craven
Lessons learnt to date BT technology works, but has issues laws of physics apply (1.2km) coverage is spotty not spatial quality of pre-existing (voice) networks split communities/business parks
What is left to do? >25Mbps <25MbpsTotal Intervention area Commercial area * 7969* Totals % 14% * ‘best guess’
How to address the remaining “10%”? 50,000+ premises (unevenly spread) Funding needed Technology options more fibre by BT wireless (extend existing/new) satellite
Phase 2 – extend BT contract £8m (BDUK £3m, ERDF £2m, NYCC £3m) Intervention Area premises Phase [=77/86%] Phase 2 FTTC 6000 FTTP FTTrN ? [=82/90%] Rollout April 2015 to December 2016
North Yorkshire
Local picture Draughton Currently in Phase 2 plans as FTTC (EO) deployment. Will only know more on certainty once detailed planning completed and moves into delivery phase. Not currently expecting any issues.
Reflections on getting to 100% How much further can BT fibre reach? Technically Relative value for money (£177 £762 £1500?) Delivery Timescale Non BT alternatives State Aid/procurement/funding implications for local authorities Will DCMS/BDUK retain 100% NGA objective? USC 2Mbps commitment BDUK ‘released’ BT in Framework contracts State Aid requirement (BDUK seeking renewal) BDUK £ for NGA (>25Mbps) only Willingness/ability of local authorities to £ for £ match
WISPs in North Yorkshire More then a dozen operators Vary from small (ADSL backhaul) to larger commercial (fibre backhaul) schemes Reasonable geographical coverage (approx 50% of space), but low market penetration Sub-Superfast (in State Aid terms) Backhaul quality and capacity National ISPs High Quality (>10Mbps) Local compromise? Problematic for BDUK?
WISP coverage Possible extension?
Links and Contacts Useful links; SFNY Business Supportwww.sfny.co.ukwww.sfny.co.uk Contact; Ian Andrew
Governance NYCC SFNY Advisory Board SFNY Engagement Group Both registered companies, 100% owned by NYCC Leader/CEx of NYCC on both Boards Wide Area Network NYnet 100 NYnet SFNY Public sector (700 sites) Rural business parks WISPs
The basics - CISP Community Internet Service Provider
The basics - Satellite Satellite Internet Service Provider