ENWAMA meeting in Budapest Corvinus University
Černý potok stream, June 2009
August 2009, web AOPK ÚL (Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the CR)
River Cai, Nha Tranh, Vietnam, eroded bank
River Cai, Nha Tranh, Vietnam, sediments deposits in the other bank
We have to hold water in the catchment area Pools Wetlands ( (
Blind stream branches Planting of vegetation ( (
Skerne River length: 40 km Basin area: 250 km 2 1995 – 1998 rehabilitation of 2 km river
Obnova peřejí
Two stage channel design Left trapezoidal channel, right rehabilitated two stage channel. Source: Promoting Naturalized Drainage Channel Design, Ohio, USA, 2003 Two stage channel design, Part 654 Stream Restoration Design, National Engineering Handbook, US department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Chapetr 10, 2007
Advantages Finance Finance Better ecosystem Better ecosystem Better in low runoffs Better in low runoffs Flood protection Flood protection Good in sedimentation transport Good in sedimentation transport Farming basins with small slope Farming basins with small slope Farming land from both sides Farming land from both sides
Chabařovice lake – juvenile fish catching with net
Eutrophication lake – small fish catching
Upper small lake above Chabařovice lake
Chabařovice lake
Eutrophication small lake above Chabařovice lake
„Most“ artificial lake – flooding of closed lignite mine
Lake near town Most
Small lake above lake Most – juvenile fish catching place
Experiments Juvenile fish catching with small net – successfull Plankton samples taking – successfull (depends on level of flooding and place of taking sample) Cooperation with Academy of Science – Hydrobiological Institute in České Budějovice town
References Manual of River Restoration Techniques, 2002, River Restoration Centre, Silsoe, UK,