This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Quick teaching topic: Who owns the ISP? This presentation presents four alternative approaches to Internet service – private companies own the network, local government as a retail ISP, local government as a wholesale ISP and partial ownership by home and business owners. We also discuss efforts to ban or impede municipal ownership. (Be sure to read the slide notes).
Where does this topic fit? Internet concepts – Applications – Technology – Implications Internet skills – Application development – Content creation – User skills
(& Internet?) ISP alternatives
Chattanooga municipal ISP Why did Chattanooga do it?Why did Chattanooga do it? (3m 26s) SpeedPrice 50 Mbps$ Mbps$ Mbps$ Mbps$ How do these prices compare to your ISP? The city as ISP
Wholesale Internet in Singapore and Stockholm City owned wholesale networks
Own your own link to the ISP network
Interactive community network map Should cities be ISPs?
Self-study questions Do you think cities and counties should be able to provide Internet service? How about other services like water, electric power, gas, sewers, garbage collection and streets? Who is your home Internet service provider and how much do you pay? Who is responsible for repairs to the sewer, water and electrical connections from your house to the utility?
Resources Interactive community network map Chattanooga municipal ISP Why did Chattanooga do it? (3m 26s) Why did Chattanooga do it? Wholesale Internet in Singapore and Stockholm Own your own link to the ISP network