October 12, Pore structure characterization and in-situ diffusion measurement in nanoporous membrane using SANS This research project has been supported by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme through the Key Action: Strengthening the European Research Area, Research Infrastructures. Contract n°: RII3-CT (NMI3). 1 Nuclear Physics Institute Řež near Prague, Czech Republic 2 IfW, TU Braunschweig, Germany 3 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany 4 Research Center Řež, CZ Řež near Prague, Czech Republic P. Strunz 1,4, D. Mukherji 2, J. Šaroun 1,4, U. Keiderling 3, J. Rösler 2
October 12, Nuclear Physics Institute Řež near Prague, Czech Republic 2 IfW, TU Braunschweig, Germany 3 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany 4 Research Center Řež, CZ Řež near Prague, Czech Republic P. Strunz 1,4, D. Mukherji 2, J. Šaroun 1,4, U. Keiderling 3, J. Rösler 2
October 12, Pore structure characterization and in-situ diffusion measurement in nanoporous membrane using SANS This research project has been supported by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme through the Key Action: Strengthening the European Research Area, Research Infrastructures. Contract n°: RII3-CT (NMI3).
October 12, A novel process developed at TU Braunschweig to produce nano-porous membrane form metallic alloys Common Ni-base superalloys can be used for fabrication Membranes can be produced in varying thicknesses – 100 µm to 1 mm Very fine open porosity with high degree of regularity A novel process developed at TU Braunschweig to produce nano-porous membrane form metallic alloys Common Ni-base superalloys can be used for fabrication Membranes can be produced in varying thicknesses – 100 µm to 1 mm Very fine open porosity with high degree of regularity The material: porous membrane from Ni-alloy Prospective applications: separation processes catalytic substrate miniature heat exchangers gas permeable membranes can be functionalized by thin film deposition Prospective applications: separation processes catalytic substrate miniature heat exchangers gas permeable membranes can be functionalized by thin film deposition
October 12, A) the raft morphology (e.g. finer pores) B) increase phase dissolution rate (i.e., electrolyte and potential influence the speed and the selectivity) A) the raft morphology (e.g. finer pores) B) increase phase dissolution rate (i.e., electrolyte and potential influence the speed and the selectivity) Process optimization Aim of the SANS experiment Knowledge of microstructural parameters can help to optimize the fabrication of the membrane The diffusion of liquids and gasses is an important question for the prospective applications of the porous metallic membrane Knowledge of microstructural parameters can help to optimize the fabrication of the membrane The diffusion of liquids and gasses is an important question for the prospective applications of the porous metallic membrane
October 12, Basic material properties and process parameters single-crystal Ni-base superalloy CMSX-4 (average SLD: ρ = 67.27×10 9 cm -2, calculated from the composition) Heat treatment: 1573K/2.5h K/6h, gas-fan quenched K/6h K/24h => large volume fraction (over 50%) of cubic γ’- precipitates uniaxial tensile creep ( 1273K, 170MPa ) - load along [001] direction single-crystal Ni-base superalloy CMSX-4 (average SLD: ρ = 67.27×10 9 cm -2, calculated from the composition) Heat treatment: 1573K/2.5h K/6h, gas-fan quenched K/6h K/24h => large volume fraction (over 50%) of cubic γ’- precipitates uniaxial tensile creep ( 1273K, 170MPa ) - load along [001] direction
October 12, TU Braunschweig Step 1: Self-assembly of nano-sized Ni3Al precipitates induced by thermomechanical treatment (rafting) Step 2: Separating the nano-structure from the bulk by electrochemical selective phase dissolution Nanoporous membrane preparation in 2 steps Thermo- mechanical load => rafts Result: Porous membrane Result: Porous membrane
October 12, Experiment First experiments: - MAUD at NPI Řež near Prague - V4 facility at BENSC, HZ Berlin - microstructural characterization - kinetics of the H 2 O and D 2 O diffusion through the membrane D 2 O lowers the scattering contrast as it fills into the pores while H2O increases it => the extent of filling of the pores and thus the diffusion rate could in principle be determined through a time–resolved experiment. First experiments: - MAUD at NPI Řež near Prague - V4 facility at BENSC, HZ Berlin - microstructural characterization - kinetics of the H 2 O and D 2 O diffusion through the membrane D 2 O lowers the scattering contrast as it fills into the pores while H2O increases it => the extent of filling of the pores and thus the diffusion rate could in principle be determined through a time–resolved experiment.
October 12, Double-Bent-Crystal SANS data => interparticle interference maximum facility MAUD (NPI Řež) Bragg-like scattering on the ordered rafts => S x (Q x ) is the cross-section dΣ/dΩ(Q x,Q y ) integrated over the vertical angular component
October 12, Double-Bent-Crystal SANS data allow determining the average distance between the longitudinal pores (4800 Å) μmμm
October 12, Determined microstructural parameters By combining data from both facilities: the average distance between the longitudinal pores: 4800 Å the average thickness of the rafts 2700 Å volume fraction of the rafts: 64% volume fraction of pores around: 36% the specific interface between γ' phase and the pores: cm 2 /cm 3. SLD of the γ' rafts: 73.0×10 9 cm -2. back-calculated SLD of the γ matrix: 57.3×10 9 cm -2. By combining data from both facilities: the average distance between the longitudinal pores: 4800 Å the average thickness of the rafts 2700 Å volume fraction of the rafts: 64% volume fraction of pores around: 36% the specific interface between γ' phase and the pores: cm 2 /cm 3. SLD of the γ' rafts: 73.0×10 9 cm -2. back-calculated SLD of the γ matrix: 57.3×10 9 cm -2.
October 12, pinhole SANS, V4, BENSC, HZ Berlin Left: V4 data for unfilled pores [ the grey scale map shows measured 2D data and the white equi-intensity lines depict the fitted curve ] Right: section through the optimum model Left: V4 data for unfilled pores [ the grey scale map shows measured 2D data and the white equi-intensity lines depict the fitted curve ] Right: section through the optimum model
October 12, pinhole SANS, V4, BENSC, HZ Berlin V4 SANS data for D 2 O (left) and H 2 O filled (right) membrane. 2D cross-section dΣ/dΩ(Q x,Q y ) is shown.
October 12, D 2 O, H 2 O was filled in the reservoir of a specially constructed cell: - fluid was filled on one side of the porous membrane and allowed to flow through the pores under ambient pressure. D 2 O, H 2 O was filled in the reservoir of a specially constructed cell: - fluid was filled on one side of the porous membrane and allowed to flow through the pores under ambient pressure. Kinetics experiment the pores are occupied by D 2 O or H 2 O very quickly, already during the time between the reservoir filling and the measurement start, i.e. in the time span of less than 20s. A similar test done with silicon oil with same result. After removal of D 2 O from the reservoir (i.e. both surfaces are on air), the evaporation of liquid from the pores occurs. Huge scattering from the freed pores => scattering intensity increase with time. 0.5μm depth emptied each minute the pores are occupied by D 2 O or H 2 O very quickly, already during the time between the reservoir filling and the measurement start, i.e. in the time span of less than 20s. A similar test done with silicon oil with same result. After removal of D 2 O from the reservoir (i.e. both surfaces are on air), the evaporation of liquid from the pores occurs. Huge scattering from the freed pores => scattering intensity increase with time. 0.5μm depth emptied each minute Results
October 12, Combined SANS results from pinhole and double-bent- crystal facility enabled us to determine microstructural parameters of the nanoporous membrane (SLD, pore-to- pore distance, raft thickness, pore volume fraction, specific interface) Kinetics experiment showed that the pores are filled instantly (less than 20s) by D 2 O, H 2 O or silicon oil (strong capillary effects) Empting of pores by evaporation (a much slower process) throw some light on the diffusion process through the pores Combined SANS results from pinhole and double-bent- crystal facility enabled us to determine microstructural parameters of the nanoporous membrane (SLD, pore-to- pore distance, raft thickness, pore volume fraction, specific interface) Kinetics experiment showed that the pores are filled instantly (less than 20s) by D 2 O, H 2 O or silicon oil (strong capillary effects) Empting of pores by evaporation (a much slower process) throw some light on the diffusion process through the pores Summary
October 12, J. Rösler, O. Näth, F. Schmitz, D. Mukherji: Acta Mater. 53 (2005) D. Mukherji, G. Pigozzi, F. Schmitz, O. Näth, J. Rösler and G. Kostorz (2005): Nanotechnology 16, P. Strunz, D. Mukherji, O. Naeth, R. Gilles, J. Roesler: Characterization of nanoporous superalloy by SANS. Physica B 385– 386 (2006) 626–629. P. Strunz, D. Mukherji, G. Pigozzi, R. Gilles, T. Geue, K. Pranzas: Appl. Phys. A 88 [Materials Science & Processing], (2007) J. Rösler, O. Näth, F. Schmitz, D. Mukherji: Acta Mater. 53 (2005) D. Mukherji, G. Pigozzi, F. Schmitz, O. Näth, J. Rösler and G. Kostorz (2005): Nanotechnology 16, P. Strunz, D. Mukherji, O. Naeth, R. Gilles, J. Roesler: Characterization of nanoporous superalloy by SANS. Physica B 385– 386 (2006) 626–629. P. Strunz, D. Mukherji, G. Pigozzi, R. Gilles, T. Geue, K. Pranzas: Appl. Phys. A 88 [Materials Science & Processing], (2007) References