Continuous Improvement in the Classroom -Professional Learning Communities
Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Integration of Continuous Improvement & Curriculum for Student Achievement Building Leadership Teams (BLT) SIP Teaching & Learning
Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Action Plan Building Leadership Teams (BLT) Action Research Teams (ARDT) Integration of Continuous Improvement & Curriculum for Student Achievement SIP Smart Goals Teaching & Learning
Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Action Plan PLC Building Leadership Teams (BLT) Action Research Teams (ARDT) Classroom Teachers Integration of Continuous Improvement & Curriculum for Student Achievement SIP Smart Goals Student Learning Expectations Teaching & Learning Secondary
Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Action Plan PLC Building Leadership Teams (BLT) Action Research Teams (ARDT) Collaborative Grade Level Teams Integration of Continuous Improvement & Curriculum for Student Achievement SIP Smart Goals Instructional Decisions using Data Analysis Tools Teaching & Learning
Professional Learning Communities Not a new initiative, a way of going moving from School goals to Classroom goals with continuous improvement A framework for results-focused discussions Opportunities for grade level and like- content teams to focus on improvement PLCs use the PDSA process and data and to focus on the success of each student
Pre Planning: Identification of Need 1. Develop/Review Student Learning Expectations 2. Examine alignment of learning expectations with assessments 3. Review assessment data 4. Identify areas of need based on assessment Plan: 1. Describe the current process for addressing the identified area of need (flow chart) 2. Review data to determine baseline performance in the specific area identified (Run Chart/Pareto Diagram) 3. Identify potential root causes contributing to the identified area of need (Cause & Effect Diagram, 5 Whys, Relations Diagram) 4. Study research-based best practice/improvement theory addressing areas of need DO 1. Plan for implementation of improvement theory (Force Field Analysis, Action Plan) 2. Implement research-based best practices improvement theory based on root causes according to the Action Plan 3. Monitor the implementation of research-based best practice/improvement theory to insure integrity and fidelity 4. Assess student learning Study: 1. Examine student assessment results (compare to baseline) 2. Assess the impact of research-based best practice/improvement theory on student achievement Act: 1. Standardize the implementation of research- based best practice (improvement theory) that improved student learning (revise the flow chart to reflect changes made to the system) 2. If improvement theory was unsuccessful continue the PDSA cycle (try another improvement theory based on the next identified root causes) Action Research Overview for Professional Learning Communities Identify areas of strength and weakness? What do we want students to know? What do they know? What have they learned? Most effective/best practice teaching and learning strategies? Have they learned it? What do we do if they dont? How do we respond if they dont? HOW do we know if they have learned it? What evidence do we have of the learning?
PLC Overview 1. District Definition 2. How To Team organization Team organization Tools Tools Action plan Action plan 3. Data Analysis Key Questions Key Questions How to How to
Learning Community Identify Criteria to monitor Systematically gather information on criteria Share data with PLC teams Engage teams in collective analysis of the information Develop new strategies for achieving goals Monitor Results of implementation
PLC Critical Questions What do we want students to know and be able to do? What do we want students to know and be able to do? Standards/Benchmarks (Learning Outcomes) Standards/Benchmarks (Learning Outcomes) Classroom SMART goals Classroom SMART goals How will we know if they can do it? How will we know if they can do it? Formative assessments Formative assessments Multiple data sets Multiple data sets How will we respond when they cant? How will we respond when they cant? Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Instruction Systems of intervention (supplemental to intensive) Systems of intervention (supplemental to intensive)
Student Crucial Questions What do I need to know? What do I need to know? Where am I now? Where am I now? How do I get there? How do I get there? What happens if I fail? What happens if I fail?
CRCSD Areas of Focus & ongoing CRCSD Student Learning Expectations Iowa Professional Development Model Learning Communities Formative Assessment