Math PDSA Pierce Elementary School Cedar Rapids Community Schools
Plan, Do, Study, Act!
Background Information Area of Opportunity: Math computation is an area of emphasis in our current school improvement plan. Analysis of data from district level and ITBS assessments show that math computation is an area in need of improvement. As a school we feel that our district level math and ITBS scores are not as high as they could be.
Background Information Reasons for Selection: Math computation plays a key role in understanding math concepts. Math is an important everyday life skill. Data collected indicates a need for additional emphasis in this area.
System Definition
Deployment Flow Chart Flow Chart Flow Chart : We made a flow chart of the current process.
Problems, Omissions, or Disconnects After examining our flow chart we found no obvious problems, omissions, or disconnections in our current system.
Project Statement To improve math computation in grades k-5 as measured by: Fuchs and Fuchs computation probes District math assessments ITBS
Data Gathering Plan Measure 1: Percentage correct on weekly Fuchs and Fuchs computation probes (Baseline Data) Measure 2: District math assessments, 3 times per year Iowa Test of Basic Skills (grades 3-5) Measure 3: Time spent in daily math instruction Time spent playing math games per week Measure 4: Student attitude survey
Weekly Computation Data
District Math Assessment
Time Spent in Daily Math Instruction and Games
Student Math Attitude Survey
Assess the Current Situation Measure 1: The Fuchs and Fuchs computation probes were administered for seven consecutive weeks. The most students showed growth for approximately the first five weeks and then the scores leveled out. We felt the initial increase was to the natural progression of the learning skills introduced in the math curriculum. Measure 2: A large percentage of students showed proficiency on the district math assessments of basic skills. However our goal is to have 100% proficiency. Measure 3: We concluded that our teachers were spending sufficient time (approximately 60 minutes a day) in daily math instruction. Measure 4: We administered the math attitude survey to students in grades 1-5. We plan to repeat this survey again in the Spring and compare the results.
Cause and Effect Materials Methods Concern with lower math computation scores. Curriculum (timing)does not match assessment. Supplemental materials – not everyone is aware of all materials (central location) Lack of test taking skills Lack of real authentic applications Amount of StudentTeacher/ Admin. Inefficient strategies Low skill fluency does not allow student to accurately portray knowledge on timed assessment. Vocabulary (not familiar) Comfort level Inconsistent use of math vocabulary Lack of supplemental/ remedial plan/ materials Need more time to familiarize with curriculum.
Analyze Causes (Relations Diagram)
Root Causes Based on our Relations Diagram, we came to the conclusion that our students lacked the knowledge of math vocabulary which may have contributed to low computation scores. As a team, we assessed the situation and developed a list of terms to be utilized by classroom teachers and students on a daily basis. We are in the process of creating grade level posters to be displayed in all classrooms to aide students in becoming secure with crucial math vocabulary.
Improvement Theory If Students and teachers use a standard set of math vocabulary while practicing computational skills, then students will consistently apply and understand computational skills when computing answers.
Try Out the Improvement Theory WhatWhoWhen Use standard math vocabulary relating to math computation Teachers and Students Hard Hat needed from this point due to construction zone.
Study the Results Hard Hat needed from this point due to construction zone.
Standardized Improvements Hard Hat needed from this point due to construction zone.
Plan for Continuous Improvement Hard Hat needed from this point due to construction zone.